Serving the Children of the World
the Online newsletter of Capital District Kiwanis International

David Maloney, Editor

February 2007


Capital District
Region/Division Alignment

Presidential Reg. Div. 5 , 19

Mason Dixon Reg.
Div. 9, 12, 14

DelMarVa Reg.
Div. 7, 11, 15

NoVa Reg.
Div. 10, 20

Hampton Roads Reg.
Div. 13, 16, 21, 23

Potomac Reg.
Div. 1, 17, 22

Heart of Virginia Reg.
Div. 4, 18, 24

Southwest Virginia Reg. Div. 2, 3, 8



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Club Standings — how did YOUR club do?? Find out here:
December club standings (.pdf format)

This issue at a glance:

Governor Bob’s Builders: K-Family Strength Through Leadership Development and Education

Gov. Bob Cressy

Greetings! January is the month we begin our Capital District’s Mid-Winter Conferences throughout the eight regions. The “Mid-Winter” period marks the time where we refocus on our goals and objectives. Each of our Clubs and Divisions set goals this past October at the start of the Kiwanis year such as increasing service hours, adding members, and improving K-Family interaction. Stretch goals and benchmarks are critical to having a successful club year and in strengthening our K-Family relationships. Take time now to see if you are on target to achieve your club’s goals.

What is “success” to our clubs — yours and mine? I think most of us would agree first of all that it is to provide more quality services to our communities and to the club projects that we support. It is time to find the most effective ways to “change the world one child and one community at a time”. It’s time to provide more opportunities for hands-on projects that will get both new as well as well-seasoned members involved. Projects should get us fired up, inspired, and energized to do even more. We must add quality new members not just to do what we do now but to add hands to do what else needs to be done.

The Mid-Winter Conferences are a terrific club “builder’s tool” to fine tune our skills. Offered are the “hand tools” we need to Build a Better World Through Service. The main general focus points of the Mid-Winter Conferences are:

  • Kiwanis Leadership Training and Member Education
  • Membership Growth, Retention and Re-Membership
  • New Club Building Techniques & Opportunities
  • Effective Use of Communication & Marketing Tools
  • Strengthening our K-Family Relationships, and
  • Building Financially Stronger Clubs

This January we conducted the first two Mid-Winter Conferences: Hampton Roads Region on January 13th and DelMarVa Region on January 27th. As you know, the Capital District is the second District in KI to re-organize under the Regional Concept. The primary reason was and is to bring better quality training and development opportunities TO more Kiwanians: closer to your homes, for less cost to you, and with a concentrated one-day conference. This was very successful last year in our first year of implementation with over 950 attendees at the eight conferences – far more than the single big-tent District-wide Mid-Winter Conferences of the past.

Hampton Roads Mid-Winter Shines with 220+ Attendees!

“The Second Annual Hampton Roads Regional Kiwanis Family Mid-Winter Conference”, as it was billed, began with an enthusiastic “Good Morning” by the huge crowd of attendees. The one-day session on January 13th was called to order by Division 16 LG Donald ‘Doc’ Thrush with a Welcome address by Old Dominion University CKI President Deshay Edwards. Heading the day’s team were the four Kiwanis LGs including Doc, Division 13 LG Phyllis Henry, Division 21 LG Fred Woodall and Division 23 LG Brian Wilson.

CKI was much in evidence with their new Navy-and-white CKI-ODU shirts and their presence everywhere. LG Brian introduced K-Family members including CKI LG Lana Borgie, Tidewater-64 Division with her CKI presentation, Key Club Governor Peter Simasek with “Key Club 101”, Builder’s Club District Administrator Dru Bowman, K-Kids District Administrator Judy Murray and Aktion Club representative Eileen Weber, Kiwanis Club of Pembroke.

The schedule included additional session topics on Community Service, Club Growth, New Member Orientation, Marketing Kiwanis, Club Support - Digital Tool Box, Club operations & administration, Club Leadership Education, the ‘View From The District’ and many other educational and helpful topics. Special Exhibit: Hampton Roads Region raised $300,000 for a Pediatric ICU ambulance which was on display at Mid-Winter Conference (right). Over 1,200 emergency runs annually are anticipated by this vehicle, which tops out at over $450,000 with equipment. Also on display was the Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services trailer donated by Division 21. See the photos. With a goal, a plan and a lot of fun-raisers, “One Can Make A Difference”.

DelMarVA Region Mid-Winter Attracts 58 Key Club Members!

Seaford Delaware was the site of the DelMarVa Mid-Winter Conference on January 27th with the theme “Growing Kiwanis Through Education and Communications”. Division 11 LG Rose Poole, Division 15 LG Barbara Hickman and District Trustee PLG Walt Rudy lead the team of 132 total attendees on a sunny, crisp winter Saturday.

Key Club Lieutenant Governors Sarah Smith and Tiffany Wen led their teams of 58 members in a service project and they participated in general sessions through out the day. Bill Hand, SLP Assistant Administrator, Capital District Kiwanis Key Clubs, conducted a “Sponsored Youth Advisors” class on Faculty and Club Advisor’s responsibilities.

Club President-Elect Kiwanis Leadership Development training (Session 3) for 2007-2008 officers was conducted by PG Dick Feeser (right), a Kiwanis Certified Trainer. Other forums included Terrific Kids, Education and Motivation For Club Leaders, Innovative Service Projects, and New Member Recruitment and Orientation as well as the Governor’s address on the State of the District. (We’re HEALTHY, and have our Challenges and Opportunities.)

This was another great Mid-Winter! Thanks to all who made it possible, including all attendees. By the way, ‘why’ do I list the attendance (a total of over 350 in two Mid-Winter Conferences)? Simply to show that for the second year, a record number of people are excited about learning more about the Kiwanis family. Six of the eight Mid-Winter Conferences are on a college/university campus with our SLPs participating and helping to serve you. The six additional Mid-Winter Conferences look equally as exciting and educational as the first two.

See more Mid-Winter Conference photos elsewhere in this issue of the eBuilder.

THIS is the kind of training and education brought to YOU at your Mid-Winters! If yours is coming up, make sure you register now for the one in your Region. Don’t miss it! Check out the Capital District Website for dates and program schedules for your Regional Mid-Winter Conference! Be there!

Martin Luther King’s Birthday Celebrated Around The District

Many celebrations of the life and times of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King were held throughout the Capital District. I attended the Prayer Breakfast Service hosted by the Far East Kiwanis Club and PLG Bernice Oden at St. Luke’s Catholic Church hall in Washington on his birthday, Jan. 15th.

The featured speaker was Division 20 LG Charles “Tony” Gee, who is also the District Diversity Chairman. He spoke eloquently on Dr. King and his leadership – well done. I have to say, however, the children stole the show. There were about twelve three to five year olds who sang several songs under the direction of PLG Doris Montgomery (left). They were just a cute as they could be. They couldn’t carry much of a tune, but they had the lyrics down pat. They were wonderful!

Kiwanis Aktion Club of Dover, DE, Chartered January 16th

The Kiwanis Aktion Club of Dover is the first Aktion Club chartered in Delaware. Aktion Club District Chairman Ford Hamilton spearheaded the club formation, an effort which was begun under Immediate PG Yvonne Holley’s tenure by Ford and Yvonne. Congratulations to you both!

It is truly heartwarming to induct twenty-one new members who are so anxious to be a closer part of their communities and to provide service along side their sponsoring club, the Kiwanis Club of Dover, led by President Charles Marks. Amanda Middleton (right) is the new Aktion Club president. Past Dover Kiwanis Club president, Dr. Stanley Irzinski, is the Aktion club advisor. Welcome to the Kiwanis Family!

Remember: Kiwanis International and Capital District Conventions

INTERNATIONAL: You have heard the “Call To the Conventions”! Remember the 92nd Annual Kiwanis International Convention is in San Antonio, TX, July 3rd to July 7th. I’ve spent a lot of time in San Antonio, al beit many years ago. It’s great FUN! Remember the Alamo! NO, I wasn’t there!

Remember also EACH club is entitled to two voting delegates at the International Convention. Hopefully each year your club puts some money in the budget to help defray delegate’s costs. Most often the delegates are the current president and the president-elect. Current LGs should also attend.

A special treat will be the first Capital District Dinner in recent memory on July 4th. Our convention hotel is the Hyatt Regency on the downtown’s famed River Walk. Our Texas barbeque restaurant, the County Line, is also on the River Walk! Independence Day fireworks will follow! How’s THAT! Make a mini vacation out of your trip. Our District quota is 360 people – reasonable. See the KI Web site for more information and the reservation forms. Ya’ll come, 'ya hear!

CAPITAL DISTRICT CONVENTION: The 89th Capital District Convention will be August 16-19th, 2007, at the new Hilton Executive and Business Center Hotel in Rockville, MD. Clubs have a responsibility to have three voting delegates at this convention. Along with the club and division training and entertainment, we will be electing one of three (as of now) candidates to represent the Capital District for the position of Kiwanis International Trustee. We also will have our annual election for Governor-Elect. Please elect and instruct your delegates to this important convention so the entire District is well represented.

So, keep A.S.K.’ing. Always Sell Kiwanis! See YOU at the Mid-Winter’s.

Candidates for Office
Ellis Stroup, Cap. Dist. Sec./Treas.
International Trustee Candidates

Three Capital District Kiwanians have filed as candidates for the office of International Trustee for the 2007-2008 administrative year. They are listed as follows in the date order of their filing with the District Secretary-Treasurer:

  • Past Governor Richard G. Feeser Greater Ocean Pines, Maryland
  • Past Governor Charles P. Adams Chesterfield, Virginia
  • Past Governor Jerome E. Peuler, Jr. Waldorf, Maryland

Candidates for this office will stand for election at the 2007 Capital District Convention to be held in Rockville, Maryland in August.

Capital District Governor-Elect Candidates

The Kiwanis club of St. Mary’s County, supported by all of the clubs in Division Twenty Two, presents Past Lieutenant Governor Thomas Ganse as a candidate for the office of Governor-elect of the Capital District for the 2007-2008 Administrative year.

Meet the Candidate
Tom Ganse
To the right is me with my granddaughter, Isabella Rose (Bella). I wish she lived closer so I could spoil her more.

As I begin this journey for Capital District Governor-elect it occurred to me that perhaps my fellow Kiwanians across the District might appreciate learning a little more about me and what I stand for. I hope to satisfy that desire by meeting as many of you as possible in the months between now and the August Capital District Convention, and by offering brief articles in the eBuilder each month. Of course, you can always visit to review my biography, accomplishments or campaign themes. I’ll post these monthly ramblings there as well.

I am a “second generation” Charter Kiwanian, following in my octogenarian father’s footsteps. Never have I known another man so dedicated to servant leadership. He gave me a model to emulate, and I can only hope to do it justice.

My father and mother, now married for over 65 years, continue to live in my native Hershey, PA, where Dad remains a member of the Kiwanis Club of Hershey-Hummelstown, which he helped charter over 35 years ago. I sure am glad he did that, as it also launched my personal Kiwanis career. As a rambunctious schoolboy, I always enjoyed participating in Kiwanis activities alongside my father. Mom was very supportive of my involvement, too (“You need to get out of the house. Why don’t you go help your father at the chicken barbecue? Now go on!”).

Dad’s club was too new to sponsor a Key Club at my High School while I was going through there, but I was fortunate enough to find a very active Circle K club when I headed off to Penn State. They were also very engaged with their sponsoring Kiwanis club, and that connection left a lasting impression on me. That experience showed me what “The Kiwanis Family” was, and how important it is to keep those family bonds strong. There is no doubt that is why I am so committed to connecting with our Service Leadership Programs and encouraging those alumni to achieve great things when they become Kiwanians.

There’s a lot more to my Kiwanis biography, but you can read that on the web. For now, I’ll wrap up by telling you about my “Terrific Kids” – five of ‘em. My oldest daughter, Molly, is a full time student at the College of Southern Maryland. My oldest son, Christopher, is in 10th grade and very active in Air Force Junior ROTC. He’s already checking out colleges and is anxious to begin a high-tech career. Next comes Jeremy, an 8th-grader whose goal is a little closer: get out of Middle School and into 9th Grade! Then comes Chelsea in 6th Grade and Kaitlin is bringing up the rear in 5th Grade. With any luck, I might get some of them to stand still long enough to bring them with me to some Kiwanis functions where I can introduce them in person. But then again, I know their father and getting them to stand still is a lot easier to say than to accomplish.

That’s enough for now. I look forward to meeting many of you soon. Until then, remember – Today is a great day to be a Kiwanian in the Capital District! I’ll tell you why in the coming months. - TG

The Inciter Now Ready

The January/February 2007 issue of The Inciter is now ready to view at: Read about:

  • The One Can Make a Difference Brand Campaign Overview
  • Getting PR Visibility in More Unusual Ways
  • New! Women's and Men's White Oxford Shirt
Teenager of the Year Information
Roger Diehl

Once again it's Teenager of the Year time! All the information has been sent to all Lt. Governors. Now it is the responsibility of those Lt. Govs. to get this in the hands of all the Presidents in their division. If anyone has not gotten this information from them they can click here:

Questions? Email me at!

Kiwanis International Convention, San Antonio, TX July 3-7, 2007
David Williams

Kiwanis International Conventions aren’t all business. In fact, they are a rich mix of business, entertainment, inspiration, education, and fellowship. The 2007 convention in San Antonio, Texas, July 3-7, will feature a wide variety of entertainment and inspiration. The opening session on Tuesday, July 3, for example, will feature a performance by The Second City, America’s premier improvisational comedy troupe.

The Second City (named after the group’s hometown, Chicago) has produced many star alumni, including Mike Myers, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, John Belushi, Stephen Colbert, and Steve Carrell. Be prepared for an original, daring, and hilarious mix of satire and cutting-edge improvisation.

One of Texas’ brightest country singing stars is set to shine during a “Live on Stage” concert on Thursday, July 5. Clint Black (left) will headline the entertainment, bringing his famous black hat and Texas-roots country music talents up close and live during this exclusive concert for Kiwanians and their guests. Tickets can be purchased through the convention registration form and on site during the convention. For adults, tickets are US$25 with advance purchase or $35 on site. Tickets for youth, ages 12 and younger, are $15.

Fiesta Noche del Rio is a musical extravaganza that captures the finest in song and dance from Mexico, Spain, Argentina, and Texas. Set outdoors in the beautiful Arneson River Theater, this celebration of the city's Latin heritage offers a delightful way to spend a summer evening. Fiesta Noche del Rio has raised $2.5 million for children's charities. Two Kiwanis performances are scheduled for Friday and Saturday evenings. Tickets are $10 per person, and seating is limited to 525 at each performance.

Inspirational speakers will include LaDonna Gatlin and Randy Snow. Each will headline a workshop or forum during the convention.

LaDonna (right) is sister to the famous Gatlin Brothers. She is an accomplished speaker who motivates her audiences to “find our own voice” and “sing our own song.” She grew up performing with her brothers but took a detour on the road to stardom – she married. At that moment, she realized success for her could be measured in a different way. She chose to follow her heart and “sing a different song” apart from her brothers. LaDonna combines her message with her vocal talents to entertain even as she educates, motivates, and drives home her point.

Randy Snow (left) lost the use of his legs as a teenager. Since then, he has become a business owner and nationally recognized sales associate, a Fortune 500 speaker, and one of the most successful wheelchair athletes in history. Drawing from his personal business successes, medal winning Paralympics competitions, and the lessons learned while accepting a spinal cord injury, Randy inspires audiences to embrace change, work together, and achieve extraordinary results.

Go to for a convention registration form and more information on entertainment, workshops, and other events planned for the 2007 Kiwanis International Convention.

89th Capital District Convention: Aug 17 - 19, 2007
Gary Boswell
Be sure to mark your calendar for the convention which will be held the 17th through the 19th of August 2007. The theme for the convention is “Building a better tomorrow through service”. The convention will be held in Rockville, Maryland at the Doubletree which is under renovation and will be opening under the Hilton name. As was started last year, there will be a website and registration by using the web. More information including the education that will be offered and the meals and entertainment will follow in the new year.
Capital In The Spotlight: 47th Annual CDCKI Convention

Jeffrey Wolff, District Administrator

Book your calendars now for February 16-18, 2007 and the 47th Annual Capital District Circle K Convention in Charlottesville, Virginia for "That's a Wrap: Capital in the Spotlight". This year's Circle K District Convention really has some fantastic highlights for EVERYONE in the Kiwanis-Family to enjoy.

The Friday night Opening Session will feature the comedy hypnosis of Dr. Larry Volz. The Saturday night Presidents' Banquet will not disappoint with red carpet attractions such as a return of the CKI Talent Show and Oratorical Competitions. Plus, as an added treat and to further promote the 2006-07 Circle K District Project of Literacy, we have secured Vice President of Reading Is Fundamental, Dr. Gabrielle Miller as the Celebrity Keynote Speaker for the evening.

There is NO registration fee for Kiwanians, merely pay for the meal session you wish to attend. The Kiwanis-Family Breakfast on Saturday morning is $15.00 and the Presidents' Banquet on Saturday night is $30.00. Charlottesville is the place to be and be seen the weekend of February 16-18, 2007 and I hope to see many members of the Kiwanis-Family in attendance with us.

Six Regional Mid-Winter Conferences Remaining

Dave Maloney

Two have been completed, but six Mid-Winter Conferences for Capital District Regions remain scheduled:

  • February 17, 2007 Presidential Regional Midwinter Conference, Location TBA
  • March 3, 2007 Heart of Virginia Regional Midwinter Conference, Location TBA
  • March 10, 2007 Potomac Regional Midwinter Conference, Nyumburu Cultural Center, Univ. of MD, College Park, MD (Jackie Lowe)
  • March 24, 2007 NoVa Regional Midwinter Conference, Marymount University, Arlington, VA (Tony Gee)
  • March 24, 2007 Mason Dixon Regional Midwinter Conference, Howard County Community College (Bill Hand)
  • March 30-31, 2007 Southwest Virginia Regional Midwinter Conference, Location TBA
Kiwanis One Day


Has your club reserved the date of Saturday, April 7, 2007? That’s the date chosen for the first Kiwanis One Day, a major new Kiwanis service initiative.

On Kiwanis One Day, every Kiwanis club is urged to join with the rest of the Kiwanis family -- K-Kids, Builders, Key Club, Circle K, and Aktion Club -- for a day of united service. Kiwanis One Day will provide an opportunity to showcase the Kiwanis family and our commitment to service in each community.

All the support materials for Kiwanis One Day are now available via the Kiwanis International web site: the step by step plan for forming a committee and selecting a project, as well as promotional posters and a news media template release.

Everything is available in English, French, Spanish, and five other languages. For complete details, go to

Kiwanis of Ocean Pines/OC: Mr. & Mrs. Claus Donate Holiday Earnings

D. J. Landis

It was a busy Christmas for Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines/Ocean City president, Al Kastner, and his wife, Carol. They were Mr. & Mrs. Claus again this year. In addition to visiting the children at the annual Ocean Pines Department of Parks & Recreation Breakfast with Santa, they also made two appearances, one at Community Church, Ocean Pines, and the second at Mariner Bethel Church in Ocean View, DE, for which Andrea Barnes of the MidAtlantic Symphony presented them with a check for $200. The Clauses also hosted the children at the annual Christmas Party for The Carousel employees, for which Michael James presented Kiwanis with a check for $250. The Clauses, in turn, donated both checks to Priority One. Dick Jacobs, the Kiwanis Club chairman for Young Children, Priority One accepted the checks at the weekly club meetings.

Kiwanis of Ocean Pines/OC: AGH Chaplain speaks to Kiwanis about Advance Medical Directives
D. J. Landis

The first meeting of 2007 guest speaker was Gail Mansell, Chaplain and the head of Pastoral Care Services at Atlantic General Hospital in nearby Berlin, Maryland. Gail explained the need for everyone to have Advance Medical Directives and Living Wills in order to assure they receive the care that they wish to have when hospitalized. She also advised that she is available to anyone in the community to provide information and even assist in the preparation of of some of the paperwork.

Northern Neck Kiwanis Wraps Gifts
Bill Burton

The Kiwanis Club of Northern Neck club wrapped presents for six different families this past Christmas season. These were families with several members in each. On Christmas eve two club members members took the gifts to the families. A particularly poignant comment was made by the two members who noted that in one home there was absolutely nothing under the little tree that the family had set up until they came with the gifts that our club had provided. In addition to the six families, money was provided for several families at a local grocery store for food purchases. In total, a sum of just under $2,000.00 was given to the community in this effort at Christmas time.

Kiwanis Club of Hagerstown Provides Happy Christmas for Children!
Harry Barger

On December 14th, the Kiwanis Club of Hagerstown provided their annual Christmas Party for sixty children selected from ten Washington County area elementary schools. The party, which took place at the Otterbein United Methodist Church, provided a setting for Santa and all his gifts for the children, consisting of toys, shoes, clothing and other essentials.The children enjoyed a dinner of pizza, soft drinks and munchies as Kiwanis members joined them at the tables and spent a joyous evening watching their eyes light up with excitement and pleasure. Gifts were provided by Christmas Angels including M.S. Johnston & Co, Mr. Maurice Johnston, Ms. Shelby Penn-Ross, coordinator for the party, Ms. Christy Dowdell, Mr. Bob Jeffers, Manpower, Inc., Lyles Development Co., Mr. Pat Lushbaugh, Back Door Antiques, the Susquehanna Bank, Tom and Sandy Dowdell, Target, Mr. Ray Patterson and KB Toys. Many of the Kiwanis members provided transportation and chaperone responsibilities for the children as the evening was a shear delight. Shown in the above photo is Kiwanian Pat Lushbaugh.

Tuckahoe Club Holds Peanuts Fund Raiser
Paul Miller

The Tuckahoe Club sells HUBs Virginia peanuts every Holiday season. This year our sales netted roughly $14,000 in profits, all of which will go to charities in the Richmond area. The attached picture shows some of our guys who helped unload one of several shipments to our "Nut House." Those on the front row, left to right, are: George King, Luke Kiger and Richard Belcher. The back row, left to right, are: Jim Lambert, Bruce Hazelgrove, Earl Siddons (club president), Ray Clemen, Frank Finley and Paul Royer.

Builders Club at Daniel Morgan "Grinchey Teacher" Contest

Bill Jeunette

The Builders Club at Daniel Morgan had another successful "Grinchey Teacher" contest prior to the Christmas break. This popular event is used each year as a fund raiser for one of the clubs community service projects. A number of teachers agree to participate in the contest, huge jars are placed in the lunch room and students and faculty drop change into the jar that represents their choice as to who will be the Grinchey Teacher at the end of the contest. This means that the "winning" teacher must wear the Grinch Hat and carry the Grinch doll during the last day of school. This year each grade (5-6-7-8-) had three teachers volunteer and a winner was selected from each grade and the teacher that collected the most money was the overall Grinch. Picture are the grade winners and the "Grinchey Teacher for 2006. The teachers are L to R. Mrs. Mercer 8th, Mrs. Wright 6th , Mrs. Spiker (the Grinch) and Mrs. Farley 5th. All funds were then donated to the local SPCA.

Kiwanis Clubs Support USO: Just Say Thank You to our Military

submitted by Vivian Tanzer/Kruger

My Husband and I are heading for the USO room at Newport New/Williamsburg International Airport. It’s our evening to volunteer there. We are members of the Tabb Kiwanis Club and along with 4 other Kiwanis Clubs in our community we have joined together to volunteer for 3 hours an evening 3 times a week. Each club has their own week that they are responsible for assisting our troops. These include the Tabb Kiwanis, Williamsburg Kiwanis, Poquoson Kiwanis, York Kiwanis and Denbigh Kiwanis Clubs.

Libby Kendrick, director of the USO, greets us and fills us in on what has happened for the day. It’s been a good day and we hope we will be busy tonight. The USO is set back in the corner of the Airport with a cupboard and refrigerator filled to the brim with food and drinks. You never know who might need something to eat or a cup of freshly brewed coffee.

Our first Military Person just came in. He is on his way to his next duty station. He needs to use the computer to let his wife and family know he has arrived safely and will be waiting with us until his next connection. He’s heading to Iraq. The USO has been busy tonight with several other Military men/women heading back and forth to catch a flight or a ride to one of our many bases in the Hampton Roads area.

This is one way for the Kiwanis Clubs to say THANK YOU to all of our Military Men and Women who are serving. (Shown in photo Judy Hark, John Murphy, Smokey Allen, Jack Kruger and seated Libby Kendrick, Director of the USO of Hampton Roads).

Kiwanis Club of Montgomery Village Flea Marked to Battle Autism

Liz Jackson

The Kiwanis Club of Montgomery Village would like to invite you to join us for a District wide "Flea Market" to be held Saturday, June 2,2007 on the Community Services for Autistic Adults and Children (CSAAC) parking lot in Montgomery Village...times to be determined. Ayda Sanver has agreed to be Chair with the help of Don Gold. Besides the tables of things to sell, there will be a stand to sell hot dogs and lemonade, a CSAAC Job Fair, and a tentative promise for musical entertainment. We plan to do a great deal of advertising and what a better way to get our Kiwanis name out there! We will provide the tables at no cost to you, the money you earn will be a percentage to your club and the rest donated to the American Cancer Society Relay For Life and CSAAC. If you decide to join us and I don't know why you wouldn't...we would like a member of your club to be on the committee to help organize and help with the planning. Is there a better way to get the "stuff" out of your home, sell it and give the money to a worthwhile charity? Please let Ayda know of your interest. She can be reached at For those who don't know, CSAAC is a foundation that enhances the lives of individuals with autism, both children and adults.

Kiwanis Club of Hampton Supports Fund

Al Newton

The Kiwanis Club of Hampton presented a check of $500.00 to the Daily Press Holiday Fund. The Daily Press Fund provides food and clothing for the needy, safety and shelter for the abused , and toys for the underprivileged. ( Pictured left to right are: Community Service Committee Chairman Craig Wilson, President Elect Viv DeLoach presents check to Daily Press Advertising Account Representative Sharon Kelly and Secretary Al Newton.)

Division 23 and the Nicaraguan Orphan Fund

Stephanie Passman

Stephanie Passman, Past LtG of Division 23 Key Club, spoke at the Kiwanis Clubs of Grafton, Tabb, and York about her experiences as part of the K-Family and how they led her to join the Nicaraguan Orphan Fund at the University of Virginia. Founded just a few years ago, the group takes trips to orphanages in Nicaragua to spend time with the children and spread love. Simultaneously, the college students learn about compassion and what it means to be a citizen of the world. Their fundraising efforts support educational, nutritional, and relational needs of the children, so that the future of the country might be great. A copy of the presentation and more information may be found at (Pictured are Kiwanis of Tabb President Wayne Francis, Stephanie Passman, and speaker host Bob Kerlinger.)

Wilmington Kiwanis Club Name 2006 Fireman and Policeman of the Year

Roy Sullivan

In ceremonies held at the Hotel DuPont the Wilmington Kiwanis Club honored two Public Safety employees from both the Wilmington Fire Department and the Wilmington Police Department.

The two employees, Senior Firefighter John E. Cawthray (3rd Qtr) and Patrolman Robert F. Fox (2nd Qtr), were past recipients of the Wilmington Kiwanis Quarterly awards and were honored this time as their respective department’s 2006 Police Officer/Firefighter of the Year. Shown in the above photo is Officer Robert Fox (left) (read his bio) with Firefighter Cawthray (read his bio).

Mayor (and Kiwanian) Honored on 90th Birthday

Roy Sullivan

William (Bill) McLaughlin (right), former Mayor of Wilmington, Delaware, and a longtime member of the Wilmington Kiwanis Club, was honored January 19, 2007 at a special celebration of his 90th birthday. About 500 people gathered at the party which also benefited the William T. and Mary A. McLaughlin Fund which serves disadvantaged youth in Wilmington and New Castle County. Speakers included U.S. Senator Joe Biden, U.S. Representative Mike Castle and present Wilmington Mayor, James Baker who is also a member of the Wilmington club. McLaughlin served as mayor from 1976 to 1985 and is also known for his outstanding record of volunteerism and philanthropy.

District Newsletter Contest Winners Announced!

Vivian Tanzer

Congratulations to all the clubs that entered their newsletters in this years contest. Click here for a list of the winners.

The Judges had a difficult time making their final decisions choosing the "Best of the Best" Newsletters from the Capital District. Kiwanis International distributed the awards to each District and winning clubs will be able to pick up their award at their respective Regional Mid-Winter Conferences. This year Kiwanis International gave a first place and honorable mention.

Let's start thinking about the coming year and making sure our Newsletters and Web sites get entered into the judging for the contests. The Capital District has always produced the "Best of the Best" in everything we do!

The TAG Team is looking forward to seeing all of you at the August Convention in Rockville. There will be an exhibit table showing how PR/Marketing/Newsletters/Web Sites all work together to make a good club and tool for recruiting new members. On To Rockville!

Club Anniversaries Recognized

John Fox, District Historian

On January 24, 2007 the Kiwanis Club of Radford recognized its 84 years in the Kiwanis family. In doing so, the club also recognized several members reaching Legion of Honor milestones:

  • Robert L. Nicholosn III - 25 years
  • John W. Fox - 25 years
  • C. Barry Anderson - 30 years
  • James H. Hurt Jr - 30 years
  • William G. Wall II - 45 years
  • Daniel I. DeVilbiss - 60 years

We were pleased to have our LG Jim VanHoozier in attendance with an interclub from his Christiansburg club.

Other District clubs reaching 84 years in 2007 are Ashland (Feb 2), Fredericksburg (Feb 3), Coeburn (Mar 12), Seaford (May 21), Allegany Highlands (formally Covington, Sept 4). Before they left the Capital District in 1937 for the KY-TN District, Big Stone Gap also turned 84, Jan. 24.

District Clubs reaching 85 in 2007 include Petersburg (Feb 16), Charlottesville (Apr 3), Harrisonburg (May 10), Frederick (May 23), Staunton (Jun 22), Winchester (Jun 23), West Point (Sept 26), and Marion (Dec 26).

Here is a little tidbit, the only District club that is older than the Capital District is Washington. The Kiwanis Club of Washington will be 90 years this August 11.

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Kiwanis Club of the Peninsula at Oyster Point Member off to Tanzania

Suzi Edwards

The Kiwanis Club of the Peninsula at Oyster Point supports two of its members who are participating in Project Mwangaza in Tanzania. This organization sends "outreach safaris" to isolated, rural villages where they locate and assess disabled children and work with village leaders to provide medical services and rehabilitation for these children. Club members Dorothy Knox (on the left in the photograph) and Jim McDevitt (on the right) will visit the clinics in February and assist with fundraising. Presenting a check for $500 to Project Mwangaza from the Kiwanis Club of the Peninsula at Oyster Point is Phil Keator (center) Service Fund Chairman.

Colonial Forge Key Club Collects Winter Clothing

Karen White

The Colonial Forge Key Club is collecting warm used coats, sweaters, and sweatshirts for the Fredericksburg Homeless Shelter which is run by the Salvation Army. This is the third year that students and community members have shared their resources with the less fortunate by bringing warm clothing to the shelter. Last year, the club collected over 200 items for the shelter. This year, in their first drop before Christmas, the club sent 80 coats to the shelter. The second shipment will occur after February 2, 2007 and should provide over 100 more coats, sweaters, and sweatshirts. Anyone wishing to help with this project is urged to contact Mrs. White at Colonial Forge High School, in Stafford, Va (540-658-6115) or Capt Michael Harris from the Salvation Army (540-373-3431).

Hampton Roads Region Second Annual Kiwanis Family Midwinter Conference

Vivian Tanzer

Over 200 people, representing every Kiwanis Club and several Circle K and Key Clubs in the Hampton Roads Region, recently gathered at Old Dominion University's Webb Center for our second annual Midwinter Kiwanis Family Conference. The Conference was sponsored by the Circle K Club at Old Dominion. Circle Kers participated in work shops, help with logistics, assisted in parking, and provided directions to the attendees. (Rumor has it they could be "persuaded" to let a particular table go ahead in the buffet line.)

The day included a broad schedule of training workshops and roundtables, including Phase 3 of the Club Leadership Education program for 2007-08 Presidents. We took advantage of having the Region and District leadership at the conference to learn what is coming up for Kiwanis at all levels. Governor Bob Cressy and International Foundation Trustee Hugh Siggins discussed the results of the International Council Meeting held the previous week in Indianapolis. (Above left Circle K Club from Old Dominion helping everyone with directions. Above right H L Marks getting ready to send us off to San Antonia! Yee Haw!)

The Exhibit Hall was full of exhibits on service projects and opportunities. We helped Key Club Governor Peter Simesak raise funds for his Governors Project "Nothing but Nets" and collected children's book for the region's literacy program. The District Foundation Raffle raised over $2600 for the seven pediatric trauma hospitals in the District.

The Chesapeake City School System steel band, the Chesapeake Jubilee Pans, provided the luncheon entertainment. The fun and fellowship will continue at the District and International conventions, both promoted at the Conference. Governor Bob and Division 16 Past Lt Governor HL Marks let out a big YEEHAW — on to San Antonio!

Kiwanis Club of Winchester Help NW Works, Inc.

Doug Butler

Mike Didawick (left) of the Kiwanis Club of Winchester, VA presents a check for $12,000 to NW Works, Inc. CEO John Brauer for the Capital Construction Campaign to honor the Aktion Club organized at NW Works. Funds for the contribution came from the two Pancake Days of the Kiwanis Club which have netted annually about $60,000.

John Brauer, CEO of the NW Works, Inc. (upper right) holds a brick for sale by his organization for the Walk of Fame for the new building scheduled. In honor of the Aktion Club sponsored by the Winchester (Va) Kiwanis Club, members of Kiwanis will be involved in the brick sales.

Key Club at Stafford High School Raise $1100

Margaret Bridges, Advisor

The Key Club at Stafford High School (Division-10-B), sponsored by the Fredericksburg Kiwanis raised $1100 for Trick or Treat for UNICEF. The club, with nearly 200 members, has done a wide variety of projects including care kits for our local hospital's pediatric wing, sponsoring a blood drive, adopting Christmas and Thanksgiving families and providing various services to the school. Students donated their time and talents to decorate a Christmas tree which was given to the Fredericksburg Festival of Trees. The tree was purchased for $125 with all proceeds going to a local homeless shelter. Currently we are working on the Winter Season of Service project: Read and Lead. A storyteller from our local library came to a meeting where we ate cookies and listened to the story. Members are encouraged to read at least five hours to young children and donate one new book. The club is looking forward to many activities in the upcoming semester, including attendance at the District Key Club Convention.

Kiwanis Club of Grundy Celebrates 60th

John Rife

The Kiwanis Club of Grundy is planning a 60th Anniversary Celebration February 20th at the Appalachian School of Law in Grundy. All surviving Past Presidents have been invited as well as all Division 8 clubs. We expect a wonderful evening for members and guests. Also the Grundy Kiwanis Club gathered items for native Afghanistan children (left). The items included gloves, coats, sweatshirts, and vitamins. These items were shipped to a US military officer who will distribute the items to children in need. These items have been shipped with much hope and prayers. The McClure River Club worked with volunteers from Red Onion State Prison to build a shed for the Dickenson county Food Bank (right). Lt. Governors of Division 8, 3, and 2 have just about finalized plans for the SWVA Region Conference to be held in Abingdon at the Martha Washington Inn on March 30,31st. The banquet is planned for Friday, followed by a play at Barter. Seminars and training will be Saturday. All members mark down this date; we’ll have a wonderful meeting!

K-Kids Report

Judy Murray,District K-Kids Administrator

Shown right are Joe Stankus, Gov-Elect Art Riley, Yvonne Holley, Jeff Wolffe, Barbara Lee, and myself, Judy Murray. The picture also includes administrators from West VA. We worked as a group in the chili cook off. The chili cook off was part of the 3 day training event for SLPs (Service Leadership Programs) provided by International at the American Airlines Training Facility in Dallas. Also, while there we learned that Capital Key Club is #2 in funds raised for UNICEF this year! K-Kids in the Capital District was recognized for the most new clubs chartered in the first half of the new year. Included were the four new clubs of Buckinghman Elementary, Grafton Bethel, Kingsford Elementary, and Mary Peake Center. One club was also chartered this school year and that was Norell Elementary. Membership is at an all time high of 825.

Kiwanis Club of Westminster Celebrates 75 Years

Sandra Hughes

On January 20, 2007, 125 Kiwanians and their guest enjoyed a gala dinner at the Westminster Riding Club to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Kiwanis Club of Westminster. Art Riley (club President and Governor-Elect of the Capital District) welcomed the attendees. Kiwanis clubs from Mt. Airy, Taneytown, Greater Westminster, and the Aktion joined fellow Kiwanians from Abington, VA, Washington, DC, Arlington, VA, Waldorf, MD, Rockville, MD for the occasion.

The guest speaker for the event was Dr. Nancy S. Grasmick (shown in the photo with Gov. Bob Cressy to the left and Gov-Elect Art Riley to the right), Maryland State Superintendent of Schools. She spoke on “The Importance of Community Service.” Dignitaries present included the Honorable Nancy Stocksdale, Maryland State Delegate from District 5A, and the Honorable Gregory Pecoraro representing the Westminster Common Council. Kiwanis dignitaries present included the current Governor of the Capital District of Kiwanis, Mr. Robert N. Cressy, five past governors of the Capital District, three Capital District Regional Trustees and three Lt. Governors, including Fredric W. Lohnes, Lt Governor for Division 9, includes the Kiwanis Clubs in Carroll County.

Shenandoah Valley Kiwanis Club Serves Brunch

Jeanne M. Martino-McAllister

The Shenandoah Valley Kiwanis Club prepared and served Brunch at the Valley Mission in Staunton, VA on Saturday, January 20, 2007. Pictured right are John Wadley, Debbie Walker, Blake Clark and Diane Kent. Monetary donations were made to the Augusta Regional Free Clinic, Staunton Performing Arts Center, Community Child Care Center, Valley Children's Center, Covington Boys Home and the YMCA Saturday Night Madness (Event for Youth). Members will volunteer at the ‘Madness’ event in the upcoming months.

Kiwanis Club of Dover Sponsors First Aktion Club in Delaware

Charles Marks

The Kiwanis Club of Dover, Delaware, is proud to announce the presentation of the Charter to the first Aktion Club in the State of Delaware on the 16th of January, 2007. The Aktion Club of Dover was formed on June 6, 2006, as a result of the support and sponsorship provided by the Kiwanis Club of Dover, Delaware. This first Aktion Club in the State was established in conjunction with Chimes Delaware, a non-profit, state-wide agency that provides comprehensive rehabilitation services to adults living with disabilities.

The Club currently consists of twenty-one charter members and expects to grow. The first officers elected include: Amanda Middleton (President), Louise Smith (Vice-President), Darlene Murray (Secretary), Joe Hastings (Treasurer), and Jeffery Wheeler (Sgt. at Arms). The membership has already undertaken its first community service project, that entailed making Holiday greeting cards which were subsequently distributed to area nursing homes by Aktion Club members. In addition, there are plans underway for many other community service activities. The official chartering ceremony for the Dover Aktion Club was held on January 16th, 2007, and was presided over by Charles Marks, President of the Kiwanis Club of Dover. Capital District Governor Bob Cressy made the formal presentation of the Charter to Aktion Club President Amanda Middleton. Other participants in the presentations of the banner, gavel, gong and membership pins include: Lt. Governor Rose Poole, Governor-Elect Art Riley, immediate past Governor Yvonne Holley, Delmarva Regional Trustee Walt Rudy, Supervisory Trustee for Aktion Clubs Floyd Brown, District Administrator for Aktion Clubs Ford Hamilton, Chimes Delaware COO Pete Dakunchak, Chimes Board member Pat Bagley, Chimes coordinators Bonnie Bloomer and Lisa Powell, and Dover Kiwanis Club advisor Stan Irzinski.

Williamsburg Kiwanis Club Seeks Sponsors for Visiting Russians

Dave Blanch

I would like to invite you and your Kiwanis club to participate in a unique service opportunity. The Williamsburg Kiwanis Club needs your help in hosting a visiting delegation of Russian business owners and managers, who, with your participation, we hope will have the opportunity to visit the Capital District.

The delegation would be visiting through the Productivity Enhancement Program (PEP), an economic development and citizen-to-citizen diplomacy project developed by the nonprofit Center for Citizen Initiatives (CCI). For more then 20 years, CCI has implemented programs that assist Russian citizens in securing economic and political reforms and foster cooperative partnerships and relations between the U.S. and Russia. PEP provides intensive U.S.-based management training for Russian entrepreneurs and is unique among American-sponsored business programs since it ensures that non-English speaking Russian entrepreneurs receive exposure to Western business practices. It also allows Americans to showcase their successful businesses. In addition to developing Russia's small business sector, PEP also provides its Russian delegates and American sponsors an opportunity for cultural exchange and helps spread American civic club values of volunteerism and service to Russia.

More then 75 Kiwanis clubs nationwide have hosted PEP delegations and have contributed to improving the lives of Russian families and children by fostering better economic conditions for those in need. Where business succeeds, children benefit.

Kiwanis clubs participate in PEP by selecting several club members to serve on a coordinating committee to work on setting up business management training activities for the delegation, arranging home hosting and planning some local social and civic activities. We also ask that you tell the delegates about Kiwanis, its service work and how they can start a club in Russia. Your club would have at least 6 months to put together the program since we are hoping they visit late this summer or early fall.

The delegation visiting the Capital District would be owners and managers of retail establishments in Russia, so they would want to meet with American retail companies that sell a variety of items, from personal items including clothing, shoes and jewelry to housewares and furniture.

If you are interested in this exciting service opportunity, please contact Dave Blanch, International Understanding Chair, Capital District Kiwanis, at 410-437-2213 or e-mail:

Why the March of Dimes is Important to Me

Wil Blechman, Past Kiwanis International President

I recently attended a medical meeting in which the all-too-often serious complications of premature births were discussed. As the information was presented, it brought to mind the efforts of the March of Dimes to determine causes of prematurity, so that research will then be able to prevent babies from being born too small, too soon.

It also made me wonder how many Americans under age 50, possibly even 40, are aware of what the March of Dimes had to do with the eradication of polio in this country.

I was a sophomore in medical school when Dr. Jonas Salk announced the success of his research team's vaccine in preventing polio. Dr. Salk's research, along with the research of many others, had been funded by the March of Dimes. Prior to the development of the Salk vaccine, each summer brought a palpable fear to parents. Once the first cases of polio occurred, children were virtually housebound by their parents. Children were paralyzed; children were in iron lungs; children died...Adults did also, but it was the children who seemed to be hit the most.

At the time of the release of the Salk vaccine, the Medical College of Virginia Hospital had a special ward in which patients in the iron lungs were kept. Richmond is not a big city; we didn't have the huge number of iron lungs that Bellevue had in New York or that other larger city hospitals had. What I remember distinctly, however, was that by the time I graduated from medical school, there were no children -- or adults -- still in iron lungs.

Thanks to the March of Dimes.

Their success in supporting a preventive vaccine for polio almost put the March of Dimes out of business, but they did what successful organizations have done over the years and re-invented themselves. They have subsequently publicized the use of folic acid in preventing brain and spinal cord abnormalities at birth, but their major effort now is in supporting research to determine the causes of premature births and the actions needed to decrease it.

If children are born before 36 weeks gestation in the womb, they are considered premature. The earlier the child is born, however, the more dangerous it is for life and/or health of the child.

For example, there are children born so small they can fit in a person's open hand. Many of these children won't make it. In fact, children born under 2 pounds have a 50% mortality rate. But if born with a birth weight over 2 pounds that rate drops significantly. However, while many of these somewhat larger children survive, they are frequently affected in their growth and intellectual capabilities.

Very small children are likely to have bleeding into the brain and to have atrophy of parts of the brain. They may have significant visual impairment, and mental retardation is not uncommon in the smallest children.

About 61% of all premature children will be diagnosed with a disability at some time compared with 23% of those born "at term," i.e. when they should have been born.

Premature children are more likely to have behavior problems in school, to be inattentive or show signs of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Learning disabilities are more common as is low achievement. Even when the prematurity has been minimal, i.e. the baby is born closer to the 36 weeks, these children still often need interventions while in elementary school.

Premature babies are more likely to remain small, to have delayed development and to have an increase in respiratory infections, and they are 8 times more likely to be abused.

The sooner we can find ways to prevent premature births, the better, and when Kiwanis supports the March of Dimes, it is helping that organization both in supporting the research into this problem and some of the therapeutic modalities that are needed to treat those who have been born too small.

Another reason that I have a special regard for the March of Dimes: When Young Children: Priority One was being developed, the March of Dimes (along with several other organizations) helped our staff create the program and then stayed on to be an advisor to Kiwanis regarding young children.

Charlottesville Kiwanis Hosts Party for the Disabled

Jim Hart

For more than 20 years the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville has hosted a holiday party for the clients of Region 10 Community Services Board, Arc of the Piedmont, Worksource Enterprises, and other area agencies that provide services to special needs children and adults. On December 18, more than 100 guests were served a scrumptious meal provided by Big Jim's and then enjoyed the amazing antics of Mr. Magic, Phil Tatton. At the end of the party Santa Claus made his appearance to the absolute delight of all in attendance. Special thanks go to Kiwanis President-Elect Lee Graves, Past Kiwanis President Chuck McElroy (the president of Worksources Enterprises which opened its space for the party), and to the two dozen Kiwanians (including an interclub from Staunton) who helped make this evening a memorable one.

Pembroke Kiwanis Holds Annual State of Town Center

Susan Long-Molnar

Pembroke Kiwanis will hold its Annual State of Town Center on March 7, 2007 at the Hilton Garden Inn at Town Center. This annual event has become a very successful membership drive for the club. Last year, we sold out for the luncheon and expect the same this year. Presenting again are guest speakers Meyera Oberndorf, Mayor, City of the Virginia Beach (left) and Michael Divaris, President, Divaris Real Estate (right), the leader who has seen his dream come true in this successful community. The Club will hear about the latest developments which include residential properties, the premier Sandler Center for Performing Arts, and projected retail moving into the area. Pembroke Kiwanis has become a significant part of the Town Center community, meeting at the Hilton Garden Inn at Town Center.

Kiwanis Club of Colonial Capital Sponsors Tournament

Gil Curl

In January, the Kiwanis of Colonial Capital Club sponsored it’s 22d annual Middle School Basketball Classic Tournament at the James Blair Middle School in Williamsburg. Eight teams participated, 4 from Williamsburg and 4 outside Williamsburg. Over 150 athletics competed over a 2 day period with each team playing 3 games. St. Christopher’s of Richmond won over Toano in the final round. Since the beginning, over 30 schools and 3,000 students have participated. Proceeds from the tournament will go toward new athletic equipment for James Blair Middle School. Kiwanis member, Gary Rast, has been the Tournament Director and key sponsor for this activity for many years. The photo shows Joe Talbot, Club President and Gary Rast presenting the championship trophy to coaches Tom Franz and Rich Hudephol.

Busy Month of Service for Mount Vernon Kiwanis

Derek Dupuis

The Kiwanis Club of Mount Vernon has been very busy in the new year. We restarted our tutoring program at our local Sacramento Neighborhood Center. Two Kiwanis members tutor every Wednesday after school and help students in math, reading, and writing. In addition, our club helped furnish the new "Teen Space" at the center that opened this month. Teen Space is a portion of the center facility that is dedicated to our area teens. It's a safe environment where they can gather after school. Mount Vernon Kiwanis donated sofas, an entertainment center, and music equipment for the space. Our club also held it's second book distribution as part of our Reading Is Fundamental (RIF) program. (In photo Kiwanis members Joanne Malkin, Bruce Malkin, and Derek Dupuis at the RIF distrubtion.) RIF is a Kiwanis Young Children: Priority One program. Our club purchases and distrubtes books to over 180 children at our local Gum Springs Head Start center. Each child gets to select a book to take home. In addition to purchasing the books, Kiwanis members were on site during the distrubtion and helped children write their names in their new books.