Capital District Kiwanis History

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Organized January 11 1920 Chartered April 15 1920
Key #00195 7th District Club
Sponsor Norfolk Kiwanis
Divisions 04 13 16 21 14
Regions Hampton Roads | Southeast Virginia
Population (1920) 45,704

(Volume 1 C S Morm)
Division 04

The Portsmouth Kiwanis Club owes its origin to Trustee Frank D Lawrence, who, hearing of the splendid work being done by Kiwanis Clubs in other cities, determined that his home town should have such a club He spoke to several friends and they, too, became enthusiastic over the idea, so on October 8, 1919, 23 men met in the Old Dominion Club and decided to organize These men were Frank D Lawrence, Rev Dr M Poulson, C Morse, F Hanyahan, George Bosnian, Dr Vernon Brooks, M Blanford, W Shepherd, Isaac Goodman, W Clark, Ames V Parker, C Snehings, L Harrell, C Hanbury, Sol Fass, W S Griffin, J Blair, A Arnold, Franklin Rogers, Y Mathews, W Stroud, R H Quayle, and T Bain.

President M S Poulson, Secreaty R H Quayle
Vice President F D Lawrence, Treasurer R H Quayle

We immediately notified International Headquarters of our action and requested information and advice The news of our organization was quite a surprise to them, as the usual way was to wait for a committee from an existing club to visit the city and endeavor to interest some prominent men The Portsmouth boys had investigated Kiwanis and were sold on the idea Information was promptly furnished and in January, 1920, we had completed our charter list of 50 members and asked to have our charter presented.

District Governor A G Goodrich of Baltimore presented our club with its charter on April 15, 1920, and we received a hearty welcome from 195 clubs in the United States and Canada.

At the District Convention held in Washington, October 9, 1926, Portsmouth won the loving cup given by the Washington Club for the largest percentage of attendance figured upon mileage traveled.

The celebration of Armistice Day in Portsmouth was inaugurated by our club in 1920 and has been observed each year since. The club annually gives a prize of $10 in gold to the high school student writing the best essay on the subject, "The Advantages of Living under the Constitution of the United States". This essay is read at the big public celebration held in the evening of Armistice Day by the winner in the contest.

Frank D Lawrence succeeded Dr Poulson in the presidency, serving the club in this capacity in 1921. During this year the club continued to grow in numbers and influence and a number of important movements were undertaken.

W L Davis held the office of President during the year 1922. During this year the club contributed over $1100 toward buying an ambulance for the King's Daughters' Hospital The money was raised by a benefit game of baseball played with the Rotary Club.

President C S Morse, Secretary M 0 Lawrence
Vice President Gaston S Foote, Treasurer Robert G Lowe
Trustee T B Coker

On January 1, 1923 the club adopted the budget system of dues, abolishing all assessments and extras, and placed the annual dues at one hundred dollars per year. This amount covered all costs of luncheons, dinners, civic betterment contributions and other club expenses. During this year the club donated one thousand dollars to the community cheat and besides other smaller undertakings, created an Educational Revolving Loan Fund to assist worthy boys, high school graduates, to attend college. Three young men are now away at school through the assistance of this fund.

(C S Morse)
(Volume 2)
President Gaston S Foote, Secretary M 0 Lawrence
Trustee F D Lawrence

Dues were reduced 25% and the club contributed $250 to the Community Chest and appropriated $500 to our Educational Revolving Loan Fund.

We brought Stefansson to the city and sponsored his lecture on the Arctic regions Under the auspices of our club, the Portsmouth Choral Society gave a concert, raising sufficient funds to re-condition the King's Daughters' Hospital ambulance.

One extra Ladies' Night was held with Jules Brazil as chief entertainer Road signs were erected on the main highways leading into the city The Milk and lee Fund was supported.

A preliminary survey was made to determine the number of crippled children in the city, with the idea of establishing an orthopedic clinic if the need was great enough One of the big features of the year's work was a Christmas dinner, given on Christmas Eve to two hundred and fifty underprivileged children of the city, members of the club acting as waiters and furnishing the entertainment.

We co-operated with the Daughters of the American Revolution in erecting a tablet commemorating the visit of General LaFayette.

President Sol Fass, Vice President Dr L J Roper
Secretary M 0 Lawrence
Treasurer Robert G Lowe, Trustee Frank D Lawrence

We co-operated in the Community Chest Campaign as workers and the club itself contributed two hundred and fifty dollars We also contributed to the Harding Memorial

An Underprivileged Child Committee was appointed and a musical given by the Portsmouth Choral Society for its benefit, which netted about sixteen hundred dollars for this purpose

Co-operated with the City Mission Board, the Rotary Club and the City Health Department in the establishment of a health center for the city

Held a meeting at the City Home with music by the Naval Post Band Each person in the Home was presented with a gift Three boys were enabled to continue their college work through our educational revolving fund

Division 04
President L J Roper, Secretary M 0 Lawrence
Trustee Sol Fass, LG Frank D Lawrence

We established the Kiwanis Fresh Air Farm for Underprivileged Children operating during the months of July and August Half of each month for boys and half for girls A total of 77 children were enabled to spend 2 weeks at the farm Part of the necessary money was raised by another concert of the Portsmouth Choral Society, which realized $1000

We were visited by a delegation from the Hampton Club bringing the District Loving Cup to us by airplane We in turn took it to Emporia Both of these meetings were most interesting

We assisted in a YMCA membership campaign Met with Newport News, Hampton and Norfolk on Inter-Club Day Held an All Kiwanis Night meeting on June 7

$50 was donated towards the expenses of the Boy Scouts to Philadelphia to compete in a national contest Contributed fifty dollars for the Florida sufferers Attended a joint meeting at Williamsburg on October 18

Division 04
President T W Mathews, Secretary M 0 Lawrence
Trustee Gaston S Foote
Co Sponsor South Norfolk Club

For the second year we maintained our Fresh Air Farm There were four periods of two weeks each, two for boys and two for girls During this time we took care of 80 underprivileged children Twenty of these children attended one of our lunches and at Christmas each of our members took a boy or girl and played Santa Claus for him 76 children were then made happy Our Educational Revolving Fund assisted a boy to finish his senior year in college

In March, we entertained Rotary at a joint meeting held at the new plant of Isaac Fass, Inc, one of the finest and most modern fish and oyster packing plans in the United States 31 members attended the inter-club meeting at Hampton when Newport News and Norfolk were also guest clubs

We participated in a joint meeting with Rotary, Junior Civic Boosters Club, Chamber of Commerce and Retail Merchants Association, in honor of a visit by Judge Kenesaw M Landis, High Commissioner of Baseball, who addressed the gathering of three hundred and fifty persons A large delegation attended the Williamsburg meeting of Division Four We co-operated with Norfolk in sponsoring the South Norfolk Club and attended its charter meeting

We participated in the Community Chest Campaign and in Boy Scouts Anniversary Week We contributed to the Red Cross for the relief of the Mississippi sufferers, co-oper-ated in a Portsmouth forward movement whereby the Chamber of Commerce secured 750 new members, and took part in Navy Day celebration, devoting one meeting to local naval people

We held a George Washington birthday dinner with an address on the life of Washington by Kiwanian Vernon A Brooks, Mayor of Portsmouth The club suffered a severe loss in the death of Dr Frank S Hope We had an attendance contest and held a Ladies' Night Kiwanian E Q Heely has not missed a meeting in eight years

(Volume 3)
President W L Bennett, Secretary M 0 Lawrence
Trustee Gaston S Foote

Our outstanding work during the year was the Fresh Air Farm for underprivileged children The farm this year was in a new location, being right on the water One hundred children spent two weeks each at the farm They were given thorough physical examinations, their teeth received attention and several of them were given operations for tonsils and adenoids Our members were very enthusiastic over the farm and the results accomplished and plans were discussed to purchase a suitable place for the future benefit of needy children

Children who needed further medical attention were checked on following the season We had an exhibit of the Fresh Air Farm at the District Convention Kiwanis Kapers, a musical revue, and Twentieth Century Minstrels raised $1,000 for this charity Members visited children on Christmas eve bearing a suitable present We donated turkeys for the Christmas dinner of the Miller Day Nursery

In April, 124 members attended an Inter-Club Meeting at Old Point Comfort We had a joint meeting with Rotary, Chamber of Commerce, and the League of Women Voters, at which Harry F Byrd, Governor of Virginia, was the speaker

A meeting, unique in character, was devoted to promoting a better understanding between the Christian and Jewish faiths Rabbi A A Steinbach of Norfolk, addressed this meeting The Business Standards Committee had charge of a meeting, and at another the Kiwanis Education Committee instructed new members in Kiwanis ideals and presented them with Kiwanis buttons

The eighth anniversary of our club was celebrated on April 11 Donated $25 to the fund to entertain the Confederate Veterans The members assisted in a drive for the Y M C A We co-operated with the officials of the Navy Yard in celebrating Navy Day and devoted one meeting to that purpose when Admiral Cluverious, the new commandant at the Portsmouth Navy Yard, and Kiwanian Captain Chadwick spoke 24 Kiwanians and wives attended the District Convention in Richmond

One reason for the success of our club when we work is our success when we play A Ladies' Night was held in February An extra Kiwanis edition of the Portsmouth

Star was distributed at this meeting Another Ladies Night occurred in November The program included "Ladies Fashion Show" by "The Famous," and "Men's Fashion Show" by the Quality Shop We had an oyster roast at the packing plant of Kiwanian Sol Fass and a fishing trip on one of his boats

President F A Duke, Secretary W E Renn
Trustee C S Morse

For the fourth year we conducted our Fresh Air Farm In the three preceding years it had been conducted on rented premises This year, however, we purchased a tract of ten acres A building 155 feet in length was constructed to house the children and the persons in charge The club appropriated the sum of $3,000, while more than $2,500 was raised among the members by voluntary subscription and when the camp was opened in July, every cent of the cost had been paid In addition to this, a "shower" was held on the day of the dedication and many gifts were presented of linen, tableware, furniture, etc For the expenses of operation of this camp, the club annually provides the sum of $1,500 from its treasury

Our meeting was held at the camp on July 10 200 children were entertained for two weeks each at the camp On May 1, the last day of the intensive attendance contest, we had a 100% meeting On July 31, we held our meeting at the Portsmouth Country Club, followed by a golf tournament

Constitution Week was observed, the speaker being Capt R C Holcomb, U S Navy M 0 Lawrence headed a successful drive, in which he was assisted by many members of the club, to raise $13,000 for the Y M C A An address on Vocational Guidance was made by Kiwanian T A Russell

Turkeys were furnished by the club for the Christmas dinner at the Miller Day Nursery, and individual members distributed gifts to the children who had been entertained at the Fresh Air Farm during the summer

Our annual oyster roast and crab feast was held on the evening of December 19

13 members had 100% attendance for the year, while Dr Edwin Q Heely has an unbroken record for 9 years

(Volume 4)
President Maywood O Lawrence, Secretary W E Renn
Trustee C S Morse

The Portsmouth club over the last five years has been the Fresh Air Camp owned by the club The camp consists of a 10 acres with buildings for 30 girls and 30 boys, ranging in age from 4-11 years Elaborate social, economic, and physical histories are made of all children, and all defects corrected such as teeth, tonsils, adenoid The funds to maintain this camp are obtained from the annual production of "Kiwanis Kapers," which this year was presented for three nights and netted Over $2,000

Observed Kiwanis Anniversary, National Music Week, and Fire Prevention week Held a Ladies Night Attended the church of our Sky Pilot, Rev T A Russell A memorial service was held for R P Morgan and W A Hall, who died within a week of each other They were valuable and loyal members of Kiwanis, whose counsel and friendship will be long remembered

Attended the inter-club at Hampton Represented at the Division Meeting at Williamsburg

Members took an active part in distributing gifts at Christmas to the underprivileged children of the city, each member being assigned one or more to visit in person We endorsed the activities of the City Relief Committee and pledged active support Our president-elect Dr Edwin Q Heely completed 11 years of perfect attendance

A Ladies Night banquet was held at the Portsmouth Country Club and was one of the best ever given by our club

President Dr Edwin Q Heely, Secretary W E Renn
Trustee Dr L J Roper

Celebrated: Robert E Lee's Birthday, Kiwanis Anniversary, 20th Anniversary of our own club, Music Week, Washington's Birthday, All-Kiwanis Night, Armistice Day, Navy Day, Spring and Fall Ladies Nights, and U S-Canada Week

Attended an inter-club meeting at Norfolk and were represented at the Division Meeting at Williamsburg Represented at the Trustees' Meeting in Lynchburg, and at the International Convention in Miami, Florida

The big work of the year was our Fresh Air Farm Funds for its operation were secured by a concert given by the musical clubs of Duke University The farm opened on July I and ran for two months, girls for one month, and boys the other During this time 103 children attended, ranging from 6 - 11 and a half years in age They averaged a gain of 48 pounds during their stay Besides general care, all minor defects were corrected, including 38 tonsil operations, 78 teeth extracted and 192 teeth treated The total cost of the operation of the camp was $1,19867, besides $34494 spent for capital improvements Donations were made to the farm by individual Kiwanians, the value of which is not included in these figures

President Thomas A Willet, Secretarv W E Renn
Membership Jan 1 - 73 Attendance 77%

For the seventh summer the Fresh Air Farm was operated for four periods of two weeks each, taking care of boys and girls in alternate periods A total of 100 underprivileged boys and girls were enabled to spend two weeks in the country and gained an average of four and one-half pounds each in weight These children are carefully examined for communicable diseases, and physical defects are removed, if possible, before they are admitted to the farm Dental work was done for 55 and 4 tonsilectomys were performed before admission A concert by the Portsmouth Choral Club raised $400 for this work Furnished Christmas dinner for the Miller Day Nursery inmates

55 members attended the Norfolk inter-club meeting, at which the Portsmouth Kiwanis Band won a $10 which was added to the farm fund Members attended the Division Meeting at Williamsburg 10 played in the golf tournament at Yorktown

The club had an oyster roast where all former Kiwanians were guests Held a Ladies Night, and had a Christmas meeting with gifts for all members,

Celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, sent a delegation to the International Convention and the District Conventions Entertained the District Governor-elect

Division 04
President C H Snellings, Secretary W E Renn
Membership Jan 1 - 67 Attendance 80%
LG Dr Lonsdale J Roper

Continued to maintain its Fresh Air Farm as described in 1932, this year taking care of 102 children The club held one luncheon meeting at the farm and spent the afternoon with the children It furnished the usual Christmas dinner to the Day Nursery

Celebrated Washington's Birthday, made a donation to the community kitchen fund maintained by the Ministerial Union and took part in the parade

Attend joint meeting of the Polyglot, Rotary and Lions clubs, sent members to the Newport News inter-club and to Elizabeth City, NC A delegation of 30 attended the Division Meeting at Williamsburg

The club had two golf tournaments with Rotary and a tournament to determine the club championship and field a most delightful Ladies Night

Attended the Mid-Winter Conference with the LTG Lon Roper (a member of this club) Host to the LTG’s Club Officer Training, entertained the District Governor and sent 13 to the District Convention

President George E Parker, Secretary W E Renn
Membership Jan 1 - 66 Attendance 85%

The club put on "Kiwanis Kapers" and a Kiwanis Bazaar which raised more than $1000 for the Fresh Air Farm This Farm at a first cost of $9,000 has been operated for eight years as a cost of approximately $10,000 and has in that time given 800 children a two weeks outing It takes care of 25 children for two weeks in each of the four weeks periods, to the great improvement in health and happiness of The children A Christmas tree and Santa Claus and gifts for the children are furnished at Christmas The club had one regular meeting at the Farm and one joint meeting with Norfolk there

The club fostered a children's matinee with admission being some article of food, clothing or a toy, and received two truck loads which were turned over to the welfare organization

The club celebrated Boy Scout Week

The club endorsed the YMCA and participated in the drive for funds Supported the drive of the Community Charities and aided in raising money for the Boy Scout organization

The club attended the celebration of the 19th Anniversary of the Capital District at Norfolk and also attended a meeting there in honor of the International President It also visited Hampton Exchanged visits with the Ahoskie, NC club

Celebrated its own 15th Anniversary, entertained the LTG, the Division Meeting at Williamsburg, the District Convention and the Training School for Club Officers

President Vernon A Brooke, Secretary Edwin Q Heely
Membership Jan 1 - 68 Attendance 96%

Raised $1,000 at the "Kiwanis Kapers" used to build additional facilities at the Fresh Air Farm Raised another $1,350 to give 103 boys and girls two weeks each at the farm and as usual the children were carefully examined Defects in teeth and tonsils were corrected At Christmas each member of the club played Santa Claus to one or more of these children
One meeting was held in The county with 25 truck farmers as guests, and an interesting program on that subject was put on

Held a joint meeting with Rotary and Lions in the interest of Consolidated Charities, and had programs on such subjects as Police Radio, Safety in Automobile Driving, The History of the Railroads, Taxes, Highways and Industry, Health, Baseball, Deep Sea Diving, See America First, and Naval Affairs

Host to Newport News, Hampton, Norfolk, and South Norfolk Hampton presented the Golden Rule to Portsmouth which later carried it to South Norfolk

Held a Ladies Night, had a golf tournament, played golf with Norfolk and gave a testimonial dinner to The District Governor-elect, Lou Roper

Programs on Kiwanis Education, entertained the LTG Represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, the District and International Conventions, and the Division Meeting

Division 04
President W F L Shepherd, Secretary Edwin Q Heely
Membership Jan 1 - 67 Attendance 91%
Governor Lonsdale S Roper

The Kiwanis Kapers yielded $1,250 a benefit movie $24986, and a bazaar $1,000; a total of $2,599 for The Fresh Air Fund A total of 105 children, with all defects in teeth and tonsils corrected were given two weeks each at the Fresh Air Farm These children were given a Christmas party Before the party some member of the club visited each child's home and found out what each child wanted and played Santa Claus to him The gifts were distributed at the party The club had one meeting at the Farm while the children were there

Program on the Christmas pageant put on by the Junior Choir of one of the churches

Cooperated with the American Legion in its safety campaign, and played donkey baseball with Rotary for the benefit of the Lions Charity Fund It had programs on Business Ethics, Security Laws, Baseball, Civic Affairs, The Tourist Industry in Tidewater, Art, The Rat Extermination Progress, Broadcasting, The Virginia Association for the Blind, Air Conditioning, The Salvation Army Drive, Storm Causes, and the Pollution of the Hampton Roads Area

The club attended the Norfolk Ladies Night and visited Elizabeth City, N C

The ladies had charge of one meeting and put on the program Had a Ladies Night, a fishing trip and played golf with Rotary

Entertained the LTG, was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, the Division Meeting, the District and International Conventions and the incoming president trained his officers and committee chairmen

President, T Brutus Coker, Secretary Edwin Q Heely
Membership Jan 1 - 74 Attendance 91%

The $1,100 proceeds of the "Kiwanis Kapers" was used to recondition the Fresh Air Farm buildings A total of 102 children were examined, defective teeth and tonsils being remedied, and given two weeks outing at the Farm The average gain in weight per child was six pounds The club had two dinners at the Farm with the children In the thirteen years in which the Farm has been operated the club has spent $35,000 on the project, and this year it organized a children's clinic to take care of the health of these children in the Winter The children were given the usual Christmas party The club also undertook the musical education of a boy with an exceptional voice whose parents are incapacitated

The Vocational Guidance Committee placed 50 boys in various occupations

Played a game of night baseball with the Rotary club for the benefit of the American, Legion Auxiliary Ear, Eye and Throat Clinic Had programs on Better Understanding Between Nations, State Highways, The Norfolk Navy Yard, Crime Prevention and Needs, Trees, The Fight Against Disease, Delinquency, The Duties of a County Clerk, Budgeting One's Time, Milk's Value as Food, The Technique of Broadcasting and The Social Security Act

Attended a meeting at Langley Field of the Newport News, Hampton, Norfolk, South Norfolk, Portsmouth and Richmond clubs

Held a Ladies Night, a fishing party, a golf tournament, a joint meeting with Rotary and Lions and celebrated Thanksgiving

Entertained the LTG, celebrated Constitution Week and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, The International and District Conventions, and the Division Meeting

(Volume 5)
President M H Hood, Secretary Edwin Q Heely
Membership Jan 1 - 81 Attendance 88%

The club held its annual Kiwanis Kapers, netting $1,500 for its Fresh Air Farm fund It took care of 58 T and A operations and 80 dental cases for the 105 children who attend the Farm in groups of 23 boys or 25 girls for two week periods in July and August, and it made substantial repairs to the camp which has now been run for 13 years The children gained an average of five and six pounds The club had two meetings at the Farm with the children It also held a Christmas party for 125 of them at which each child received a stocking and a new quarter

The club put tip a plaque at the High School upon which is to be placed the name of the outstanding pupil each year It held a joint meeting with the Rotary, Lions, Polygon, and Exchange clubs in the interest of Scouting, and it aided materially in the YMCA drive for funds

One member of the club taught a Diesel Engine Class and another a class in Automobile Mechanics at the High School and the club placed 35 high school boys in part time work in the vocations they hope to follow

Sent a delegation to Richmond in connection with the Elizabeth River Pollution bill

The club had two joint Ladies' Nights with the Elizabeth, NC club, and two joint meetings with Rotary, Lions, Polygon, and Exchange clubs, one with the Chamber of Commerce, and the other at the Norfolk Navy Yard on Navy Day

It had three Kiwanis Education meetings, entertained the District Governor and the LTG, was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International Convention, and the Training School for Club Officers, and was represented at the District Convention by 49 Kiwanians and ladies

Division 04
President J Walter Wilkins, Secretary Edwin Q Heely
Membership Jan 1 - 86 Attendance 87%
LG George E Parker

The physical examination of the children of the Fresh Air Farm was begun early in the year and all needed dental work was done The Fresh Air Farm opened on July 1 with 25 girls for the first two week period to be followed by 25 boys, then alternately another group of girls and boys, making 100 children in all These children were examined for physical defects and defective tonsils and adenoids removed, bad teeth extracted or repaired, and each child deloused preparatory to the opening of the farm This year the children were brought in to the movies twice weekly and were taken to the city park on periodic visits A color movie of activities at the Farm was made to be shown at the District Convention The club met at the Farm with the children twice during the 8 week term of the Farm A benefit entertainment to raise funds for this work netted $500 A Christmas Party was given for the children who attended the Farm during the summer

The club had several programs on Scouting and sponsored a large meeting of civic organizations in the interest of Scouting at which 200 people were present The club contributed $25 to the High School Glee Club and had this club appear three times as part of the program at regular meetings

One program was devoted to the problems of vocational guidance

The club celebrated Navy Day and Thanksgiving, and gave $5 to the Portsmouth Philharmonic Society

The club put on a noteworthy inter club meeting with the West Palm Beach, Fla, club by means of shortwave radio 92 members and guests of the club were present while 75 members of the Palm Beach club were in attendance Tile president of each club and tile mayor and city manager of each citv made talks The reception was perfect and those who believed such an affair impossible were astounded at the resuits The club was host to a Division meeting early in the year with the District Governor in attendance It visited Newport News with the LTG all attended a meeting at South Norfolk Sent a large delegation to the big Division meeting at Williamsburg At both the Division meetings, golf was played in the afternoon

A joint meeting with all civic clubs of Portsmouth was held prior to the benefit baseball game which netted $500 for the Fresh Air Farm A successful Ladies' Night was held and ladies were present at both Division meetings The club furnished the LTG for its Division, held a number of programs on Kiwanis Education, was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International and District Conventions, and at the Training Schnol for Club Officers

President J W Abbitt, Secretary Edwin Q Heely
Membership Jan 1 - 84 Attendance 85%

The club gave a series of entertainments which netted $90000 for the Fresh Air Farm The Farm was run in its usual efficient manner, taking care of 50 boys and 50 girls in four periods of two weeks each

The average gain in weight of these children was about five pounds This was the
major project of the club, which met for luncheon at the canip once or twice during the summer, at which time the children put on the program, and the club members entered into the children's games after the club meeting These children were entertained as usual at a Christmas Party at which they received gifts of toys, clothing, etc, The club financed the musical instruction of a talented boy, and sent him and his teacher along with a talented young lady to take part in Major Bowes' Portsmouth City program in New York, and these two contestants did very well on the program

The club had a program on Boy Scout work and sponsored a joint meeting with the civic clubs in the interests of Scouting and raising funds for the continuance of Scouting in this area The High School Glee Club, partly sponsored by the club, furnished the program at the Christmas celebration One more the club sent a boy to Boy State and he was made Governor of the State

Two programs were given ondifferent phases of the value of vocational guidance as regards preparedness and civilian defense The principal of the high school cooperated fully with the club in this matter and has contributed his time to giving a course on the Diesel Engine, and his pupils have done well when they have taken jobs in industries in which a knowledge of the Diesel Engine is necessary

Host to the Ahoskie, NC club, and to Petersburg, bringing the plaque, which the club later delivered to the Richmond club, and took part in a golf match there It also made a visit to the Newport News club The club held a 100% Ladies' Night meeting, and had an Oyster Roast at the newly made oyster pit on the Fresh Air Farm

The club gave a number of programs on Kiwanis Education, celebrated Kiwanis An¬niversary, and its own Charter Night with 100% attendance and the District Governor as honored guest Represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International and the District Conventions, and the Training School for Club Officers

President Hal E Dorin, Secretary Edwin Q Heely
Membership Jan 1 - 88 Attendance 81%

Sold 1,900 season tickets to four performances put on by an amusement company which netted $1,370 for the Fresh Air Farm This farm, which has been run consecutively for 17 years, has given in that time approximately 1,600 children two weeks in the country at a cost of about $40,000 and there now is in the treasury the sum of $1,386 The Farm took care of 104 children this year in four periods of two weeks, 26 children in attendance at each period These children were also given a Christmas Party during the holidays They gained on an average 495 pounds during their stay at the farm A Christmas dinner was given to the children at the Miller Day Nursery The club held two of its summer meetings at the Fresh Air Farm with the children and later on had an oyster roast there

Sent a boy to Boy State, and continued its interest in Boy Scout work, sponsoring a meeting of all the civic clubs in the interest of Scouting, and raising funds for the support of the Scout Area

The club, together with the Hampton club, put on a large inter club meeting, at which also Newport News, Norfolk, and South Norfolk were represented

A Ladies' Night and an Oyster Roast were held, a testimonial dinner to Admiral Simmons was given by this club in connection with the other civic clubs of the community

This club had a number of meetings on Kiwanis Education, celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, entertained the LTG, and was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International and District Conventions, and the Training School for Club Officers

President Charles B Cross Jr, Secretary Edwin Q Heely
Membership Jan 1 - 93 Attendance 86%

The Kiwanis Festival netted $2,000 for the Fresh Air Farm, most of which will be spent on improvements, The usual number of children were taken care of and the club met at the farm for luncheon

The club bought $1,500 of War Bonds and aided in a drive for the sale of War Bonds Fifteen card tables were donated to the Red Cross to be used by service men

The club had a Ladies' Night, a joint meeting with Boy Scouts and Scout officials, and played golf with Rotary There were two Oyster Roasts held at the Fresh Air Farm

The club had a number of programs on Kiwanis Education, was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International and the District Conventions, and at the Training School for Club Officers This club had the unique distinction of a 23% increase in membership during the year, and on December 31 eight of its members were in the armed forces

President Charles R Lively, Secretary Edwin Q Heely
Membership Jan 1 - 117 Attendance 90%

Not being able to find a sufficient number of underprivileged children to the Fresh Air Farm, it was turned over to the Girl Scouts, 750 of whom were accommodated during the summer The money usually spent on this farm will be sent aside for some phase of war work The club had a joint meeting with the Boy Scouts and Scout officials and continued its interest in Scouting

The principal of the High School continued his class for the study of the Diesel Engine as preparation for war work The club bought $2,000 of War Bonds and contributed to the Red Cross, aided the Community Chest drive, and made a contribution to the Send Off Organization which gives parties and gifts to inductees on their departure into military service It sponsored a Scrap jewelry drive to be used for barter in the African campaign The club continued its co operation with the Commander of the Norfolk Navy Yard in improving housing and social conditions for defense workers

Due to the gas shortage there wasn't inter club activity during the year The club had a Ladies' Night, 2 Oyster Roasts with the Rotary club, and held its annual golf tournament

Had programs on Kiwanis Education, entertained the District Governor and the LTG was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the District Convention, and the Training School for Club Officers, and on December 31 had 9 members in the armed forces

(Volume 6)
President George O Diggs, Secreary Edwin Q Heely
Membership Jan 1 - 123 Attendance 90%

Gave the Girl Scouts teh privilege of using hte Fresh Air Farm except for 2 months which it was used for underprivileged children Donated to the Christmas gift fund for hospitalized servicemen, held a joint meeting of all the civic clubs in the area in commenmoration of 100th anniversay of the YMCA

President Lawrence W I Anson, Secretary Edwin Q Heely
Membership Jan 1 - 125 Attendance 89%

The club continued to support the Girl Scouts and the Boy Scouts in the area Aided in puting on the Boy Scout Circus, obtained recreational facilities at the YMCA for some 250 boys and girls and provided the means for a graduate of the high school to attend the Peabody Conservatory of Music and aided in all camping activities of the Boy Scouts Allowed the Hi-Y Clubs to hold meetings 2 nights a week at the Freash Air Farm, furnishing chaperones, entertained 40 to 50 wounded psychopathic patients of the naval hospital an average of two nights a week, at the Fresh Air Farm This work was under the direction of Mrs Brinkley with the aid of four Kiwanians and their wives who helped in preparing and serving the meals Mrs Brinkley always had on hand from 40 to 50 girls to help entertain the servicemen The men were carried from the hospital to the Farm in ambulances and returned to the hospital at approximately 10 PM Spent during the year for maintenance of this work over $2,000 and almost $3,000 for improvements in the building Furnished the chairman for the Boy Scouts scrap drive Took part as a club or individually in all civic moments Fostered the planting and caring for Victory gardens Held 5 meetings with farmers as guest of the club Allowed the nurses of the Kings Daughters Hospital to use the Freak Air Farm at times when it was not otherwise occupied

Division 04
President A B Hill, Secretary Edwin Q Heely
Membership Jan 1 - 125 Attendance 89%
LG T B Coker

Teh club made the Fresh Air Farm available at such times as it was not being used for the rehabilitation program for the patients of the US Naval Hospital to Roy and Girl Scrout troops and to the Hi-Y club Observed Boyu Scout anniversary Week Sponsored the formation of a new Boy Scout Troop supplying a meeting place and funishing financial said Sent a boy to Boy State Sent several underprivileged children to YMCA camp for a period of 2 weeks Financed dental work for 15 children Furnished a meey Christmas to 20 children recommeded by teh Welfare Department with toys, new clothing and other necessities Made a substantial donation to the fund for relief for Greek children

President Paul C Stokley, Secretary Edwin Q Heely
Membership Jan 1 - 134 Attendance 90%

The club since the Fresh Air Farm was no longer needed for rehabilitation of servicemen, entertained a total of 130 boys and girls in four groups for two week periods each during July and August Had the previleges of the YMCA extend to teenagers of the city Took part either as a club or individually in the civic projectos carried on in the community Spent for the operation of the Fresh Air Farm including improvements $1,500 more that allocated in the budget for this purpose and put on a unique plan by which this amount was realized

President Joesph M Tusing, Secretary Edwin Q Heely
Membership Jan 1 - 146 Attendance 91%
District Chair Classification and Membership Thomas A Willet

The club continued the support of the Boy Scout Troop moving and enlarging their cagbin, and giving the truoop a hayride during the spring Again gave teh Girl Scouts the privileger of using the Fresh Air Farm for thier activities and made the farm abailable at various times for other activited Enterained 20 high school seniors at regular club meetings Furnished leaders and advisors for various youth organizationsGave 1205 boys and girls, 26 at a time a two week period at the farm

President Frank D Lawrence Jr, Secretary Edwin Q Heely
Membership Jan 1 - 141 Attendance 92%

Allowed the Girl scouts and other young people groups to use the Fresh Air Farm at times when it was not in use for underprivileged children Sent a boy to Boy State Raised by membership subscription $2,817 for the Farm, and spent for the eith weeks operation $3,913 Furnished medical examination and treatment for 104 children and their camp clothing who were given a two week stay at the farm

President Albert C Bartlett, Secretary Edwin Q Heely
Membership Jan 1 - 141 Attendance 87%

The club initiated a Baby Beef program by purchaseing two steers to be cared for by boys on nearby farms Started to work on a prospective Key Club Furnished a float depicting the activities of the Fresh Air Farm in the Armed Forces Day Parade Took part in all civic activities in the community, contributed to all local fund drives Carried on its usual 8 week program for groups of 25 children for 2 weeks stay each at a cost of $4,000 and saw to it that each of these children had a happy Christmas

(Volume 7)
President Hyman B Lasting, Secretary Edwin Q Heely

Division 13
President Damon M Tatum, Secretary Edwin Q Heely
Membership Jan 1 - 140 Attendance 80%

President Xenophen D Murden Secretary Edwin Q Heely
Membership Jan 1 - 137, Attendance 81%

President Guerdon A Treakle, Secretary Edwin Q Heely
Membership Jan 1 - 134, Attendance 83%

Division 13
President J Arthur Wilkins, Secretary Howard B Sivils
Membership Jan 1 - 137 Attendance 77%
LG Xenophen D Murden

President ?, Secretary Howard B Sivils

President George T Ewell, Secretary Howard B Sivils

President E Saunders Early Jr, Secretary Howard B Sivils

Sponsor Merrimac Portsmouth Club

President R F Lotz, Secretary Howard B Sivils

President Dr Paul W Robinett, Secretary Howard B Sivils

President Robert M Reed Secretary Howard B Sivils

President Rank L Kirby, Secretary Howard B Sivils

President Rev Thomas A Russell, Secretary Howard B Sivils

Division 16
President Capt Ronald M Freeman, Secretary Howard B Sivils
LG Robert M Reed

President Robert C Cosby Secretary Howard B Sivils

President Marvin L Harris, Jr, Secretary Howard B Sivils

President Dr O P Delcambre, Secretary Howard B Sivils

Division 16
President Thomas R Dail, Secretary Howard B Sivils
LG Robert C Cosby

President Jack J Jones, Secretary Howard B Sivils

1969 - 1970
President L David Lindauer, Secretary Howard B Sivils

1970 - 1971
President Zalmon I Blachman, Secretary Howard B Sivils

1971 - 1972
President William R Breedlove Secretary Howard B Sivils

1972 - 1973
President Van Kent Heely, Secretary Howard B Sivils

1973 - 1974
Division 16
President Patrick J Brady, Secretary Howard B Sivils
LG William R Breedlove
Sponsor Churchland Club

1974 - 1975
President James H Haskett Jr, Secretary Howard B Sivils

District Chair Membership Development William R Breedlove

1975 - 1976
President Johannes C Ten Brank, Secretary George E Talbot Sr

1976 - 1977
President Charles D Porter, Secretary George E Talbot Sr

1977 - 1978
President Dr Thomas J Powers, Secretary George E Talbot Sr

1978 - 1979
President Jack J Jones, Secretary George E Talbot Sr

1979 - 1980
Division 21
President Holt W Butt Jr, Secretary George E Talbot Sr
LG Joseph S Bell Jr

1980 - 1981
Division 21
President George E Talbot Jr, Secretary George E Talbot Sr
LG Jan Ten Braak

1981 - 1982
President Louis Brenner, Secretary George E Talbot Sr

1982 - 1983
President Norman E Roberts, Secretary George E Talbot Sr

1983 - 1984
President Garland S Hale, Secretary George E Talbot Sr

1984 - 1985
President Cleveland L Murphy, Secretary Rix N Yard

1985 - 1986
President Arthur Lee Cherry, Secretary George E Talbot Sr

1986 - 1987
President Jesse A Weatherford, Secretary George E Talbot Sr

1987 - 1988
Division 21
President Robert F Babb, Secretary George E Talbot Sr
LG Harold S Atwood

1988 - 1989
President Ronald A Howell, Secretary George E Talbot Sr

1989 - 1990
President Johnny Byard, Secretary Vernon L Holman

1990 - 1991
President Dr Dennis E Cleckner, Secretary Vernon L Holman

1991 - 1992
President Horace S Savage Jr,Secretary Vernon L Holman

1992 - 1993
President George B Yeates, Secretary Vernon L Holman
Membership Oct 1 - 98

1993 - 1994
President Clayton M Robertson, Secretary Vernon L Holman
Membership Oct 1 - 97

1994 - 1995
President Charles R Hudgins, Secretary Vernon L Holman
Membership Oct 1 - 91

1995 - 1996
President Dean Burgess, Secretary Vernon L Holman
Membership Oct 1 - 91

1996 - 1997
President George Ed Talbot Jr, Secretary Vernon L Holman
Membership Oct 1 - 88

1997 - 1998
President Donald E Garrett, Secretary Vernon L Holman
Membership Oct 1 - 90

1998 - 1999
President William J Wiseman, Secretary Vernon L Holman
Membership Oct 1 - 83

1999 - 2000
President Daniel Ray Evans, Secretary Vernon L Holman
Membership Oct 1 - 79

2000 - 2001
President Edward S Welp, Secretary Vernon L Holman
Membership Oct 1 - 77

2001 - 2002
President Sandra C Becker, Secretary Vernon L Holman
Membership Oct 1 - 73 Attendance 74%

Year End: 22 Projects Completed, 262 Service Hours, $0 Spent, 15 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
President David I Joyner, Secretary Vernon L Holman
Membership Oct 1 - 71 Attendance 69%

Year End: 66 Projects Completed, 286 Service Hours, $790 Spent, 5 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
President Richard Rivin, Secretary Vernon L Holman
Membership Oct 1 - 62 Attendance 61%
Meet WE 12:15 PM Holiday Inn

Year End: 228 Projects Completed, 110 Service Hours, $2311 Spent, 17 Interclubs

2004 - 2005
President Charles Hudgins, Secretary Vernon L Holman
Membership Oct 1 - 56 Attendance 58%
Meet WE 12:45 PM Holiday Inn

Year End: 49 Projects Completed, 138 Service Hours, $2,529 Spent, 10 Interclubs

2005 - 2006
Division 21
Hampton Roads Region
President Annie White-Guertin Secretary Vernon L Holman
Membership Oct 1 - 44 Attendance 62%
Meet WE 12:45 PM Holiday Inn

Year End: 43 Projects Completed, 262 Service Hours, $2,626 Spent, 7 Interclub

2006 - 2007
President Garland Hale, Secretary Annie White-Guertin
Membership Oct 1 - 40 Attendance 61%
Meet WE 12:45 PM Holiday Inn

Year End: 23 Projects Completed, 298 Service Hours, $0 Spent, 3 Interclub

2007 - 2008
President Edward Welp, Secretary Annie White-Guertin
Membership Oct 1 - 38 Attendance 57%
Meet WE 12:45 PM Holiday Inn

Year End: 48 Projects Completed, 424 Service Hours, $0 Spent, 0 Interclubs

2008 - 2009
President George Ed Talbot Jr, Secretary Annie White-Guertin
Membership Oct 1 - 40 Attendance 52%
Meet WE 12:45 PM Holiday Inn

Year End: 64 Projects Completed, 872 Service Hours, $200 Spent, 0 Interclubs

2009 - 2010
President George Ed Talbot Jr, Secretary Annie Annie White-Guertin
Membership Oct 1 - 36 Attendance 47%
Meet WE 12:45 PM Roger Brown's Restaurant

Year End: 33 Projects, 819 Service Hours, $4 Spent, 0 Interclubs, $0 CD Foundation

2010 - 2011
President Harry B Spear, Secretary Annie White-Guertin
Membership Oct 1 - 31
Meet WE 12:45 PM Roger Brown's Restaurant

Year End: 36 Projects,680 Service Hours, $1 Spent ,0 Interclubs, $50 CD Foundation

2011 - 2012
President Harry B Spear, Secretary Annie White-Guertin
Membership Oct 1 - 27
Meet WE 12:45 PM Roger Brown's Restaurant

2012 - 2013
President Harry B Spear, Secretary Annie White-Guertin
Membership Oct 1 - 26
Meet WE 12:45 PM Roger Brown's Restaurant

2013 - 2014
Division 14 Southeast Virginia Region

President George Ed Talbot Jr, Secretary Annie White-Guertin
Membership Oct 1 - 26
Meet WE 12:30 PM Roger Brown's Restaurant

2014 - 2015
President George Ed Talbo Jr, Secretary Annie White-Guertin
Membership Oct 1 - 18
Meet WE 12:30 PM Roger Brown's Restaurant

2015 - 2016
President George Ed Talbot Jr, Secretary Annie White-Guertin
Membership Oct 1 - 17
Meet WE 12:30 PM Roger Brown's Restaurant

2016 - 2017
President Mark R, Munson, Secretary Annie White-Guertin
Membership Oct 1 - 19
Meet WE 12:30 PM Roger Brown's Restaurant

2017 - 2018
President Mark R Munson, Secretary Annie White-Guertin
Membership Oct 1 - 17
Meet WE 12:30 PM Roger Brown's Restaurant

2018 - 2019
President Mark R Munson, Secretary Annie White-Guertin
Membership Oct 1 - 19
Meet 1st 3rd TU 5:30 PM at Roger Brown's Restaurant

2019 - 2020
President Willie J Bamberg II, Secretary Irene S Candis
Membership Oct 1 - 16
Meet 1st 3rd TU 5:30 PM at Roger Brown's Restaurant

2020 - 2021
President Paige D Cherry, Secretary Irene S Candis
Membership Oct 1 - 14