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Mount Vernon Kiwanis Club
by Bruce Malkin
On December 17, the Mount Vernon Kiwanis Club (MVKC) distributed 50 Wal-Mart gift certificates worth $10 each to regular after-school program participants of the Sacramento Neighborhood Center (SNC) in Sacramento Plaza. MVKC Bruce Malkin handed the cards to each child, but Joanne Malkin, Vivien and Richard Peterson were also in attendance. Sacramento Neighborhood Center (SNC) Director Telesia Taylor-Boyd expressed the appreciation for all the awardees, and the children also thanked the MVKC, both individually when they received their gift card and as a group at the end. The MVKC does this annually to be sure that each worthy recipient has the means of choosing a gift for him or herself with the guidance of their parents. There was lots of food and drinks, and entertainment was provided by the Mount Vernon High School Madrigal Singers, so it was truly a Merry Christmas party!.
MVKC member Bruce Malkin awarding Wal-Mart gift certificate to SNC program participants with SNC Director Telesia Taylor-Boyd at his side.
MVKC member Bruce Malkin giving gift card to award recipient.
MVKC members Vivien and Richard Peterson at left with SNC Director Telesia Taylor-Boyd and her Deputy, Diana Cordoba, at far right.
Each year, MVKC sells trees, wreaths, and garland. Net profits average $25,000 which supports a wide range of community service, student leadership and other youth programs. On July m26, 815 Fraser Firs, wreaths and garland were delivered to the Belle View Shopping Center's parking lot from Powers Tree Farm in SW VA. MVKC members, Key Clubbers from Mt. Vernon, West Potomac and South County High Schools, and NOVA Community College's CKI members (Alexandria) all helped to offload the trees in record time. Fifteen trees will be donated to military families at Fort Belvoir, VA, who have a family member serving our country in Afghanistan. MVKC members take 4-hour shifts selling on the lot daily,which is open 12-8 weekdays and 9-8 on weekends. Sales are very brisk, and will be ongoing until trees are sold out. MVKC member Paul Mehler is the Event Coordinator, and has been for some years. The sale has been held the last 45 years at this location, and many customers are repeat buyers. The first buyers this year were the Day family, Michael and Janelle, and their two sons, Chris and Jason.
The Day family buys the first tree on July 26.
NOVACC Alexandria Kiwanis club students, from left, President Sandra Vargas, NezhaLabouini, Giancarlo Calderolli, and Sancho Jacinto assisted in the unloading of the trailer and setting up the trees for sale.
Paul Mehler, MVKC Tree Sale Coordinator (seated), and other members and helpers.
MVKC member Rich Peterson displays a fir tree for a customer.