July 2011 eBuilder Front Page
Annual club gift - club gifts increase your impact
The Kiwanis International Foundation's annual club gift campaign [www.kiwanis.org/foundation/ACG] is simple but effective. The more your club gives, the more the foundation directly helps children in local communities across the U.S. and around the world lead happier, healthier, more productive lives.
Your club's annual participation not only provides the satisfaction of helping others in need, but earns a year-dated banner patch to recognize your support. And your participation helps Circle K and Key Club students in your district attend college: the more clubs in your district that participate each year, the more your district can receive in matching scholarship funds from the foundation.
Make your club's annual gift today using our convenient, secure online form [LINK: http://sites.kiwanis.org/Kiwanis/en/Foundation/Club/ACG.aspx]. Or download the club giving brochure and remittance form, which can then be faxed or mailed. What an easy way to make a big difference!
2011 Dist. Conv. Aug. 19-21 Williamsburg, VA |