Why Should Your Club Charter a New Builders Club: Reason #2
Where do my K-Kids go?
by Jen Dugent, Builders Club District Administrator
For those Kiwanis Clubs that have the pleasure of working with a K-Kids Club, you know about the rewards that come with working with young children. They absorb everything that they learn and experience like sponges- and that isn't just limited to what they learn in the classroom. An elementary school student can be touch by a Kiwanian just easily as they can be touched by their teacher. In a way Kiwanians are teachers. We take these students and teach them about awareness in their communities and around the world. We plant that seed of a servant's heart and it grows.
These children love service, and we don't want to lose them once they go to middle school. We can't count on them to remember K-Kids when they get to high school and college and join Key Club and CKI, and eventually-if we're lucky--Kiwanis. We need to keep them engaged within the family, and the best way to do that is to build a Builders Club at what will eventually be their middle school/junior high. Even if your club has too much going on for a Builders Club, personally go to another Kiwanis Club in your area and ask them to charter one.
If we want our K-Kids students to become Kiwanians and make their world a better place, it is our responsibility to make sure that those opportunities are there for them throughout their development. Give them the Kiwanis Family all the way up. Charter a Builders Club near your K-Kids' Elementary School! Contact Builders Club Administrator Jen Dugent to learn how your club can get your very own Builders Club.