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Richmond Club Helps with William Byrd Carnival: Fun for All!
By John Philips
The Carnival
As the grand culmination to various summer programs, the William Byrd Community House held its Summer Carnival "Family, Friends, and Fun" from 4 to 8 p.m. on Friday, August 19th. Twenty-four Kiwanis Club of Richmond volunteers braved the Carnival crowd to manage the midway. Attendance included 400 children and guests, 30 volunteers from CapitalOne, 40 WBCH staffers, and our 24 Kiwanians, for a total record attendance of 494.
Working with CapitalOne volunteers (Cappers), we oversaw a variety of games and activities, gigantic climbing and bouncing inflatables, the snow cone and popcorn machines, and game ticket distribution. Everyone enjoyed the festivities and had a wonderful time.
The Weather
At the Carnival's official 4:00 p.m. start, it was 83 degrees and overcast. Our Kiwanis Club's average forecast was 92 degrees and Partly Cloudy.
Our Weather Winner
Our best weather predictor was Ian Nimmo, who forecast 87 degrees and overcast. He is our 2011 winner of the coveted Kiwanis Weather Rock.
To all our wonderful Kiwanis volunteers, thanks for braving the crowd, taking time out from your busy schedules, and making the Carnival a huge success! John Philips and John Busch were Carnival event coordinators.
Thanks, Tom, for a great year! |
The “Unsung Heroes” Awards: A Novel Idea for Recognizing
Kiwanis Leadership
The end of a Kiwanis Administrative Year brings, and should bring, recognition of jobs well done as well as a welcome to new leadership. We offer our full support of the 2011-2012 Kiwanis Leadership Team. Division 17’s Lieutenant Governor Joyce Sharon had a novel idea and coordinated that well with her club presidents. She asked them to review their year and select a club member for the “Unsung Hero’s Award” to be given to a Kiwanian who demonstrated outstanding leadership and consistent service to their clubs...more