Rehoboth K-Kids Bake Sale Fundraiser for Kids in Haiti
by Rosemary Cummings
The Rehoboth K-Kids Bake Sale, snowed out in February, was held during lunch March 23 in the school cafeteria. The K-Kids brought in home-made cupcakes and cookies for the fundraiser. K-Kids from both the Rehoboth School and the Boys and Girls Club sold the items during their lunch periods. The Bake Sale raised $100 for the UNICEF - Haiti Fund. Thanks to all who baked and bought the goodies to remember the needy in Haiti. All the K-Kids from both Rehoboth ES and BGC worked together to help sell and serve the baked items. Lunchtime visitors Mr. Cliff, Ms Hope, and Ms. Stephanie from the Rehoboth Boys and Girls Club at Epworth Church also made purchases. The K-Kids ran out of baked good early in the second period. Lesson learned: Bake more goodies next time. One nice observation was the many students who gave donations for the project instead of buying something. This first fundraising project was very successful for the K-Kids and they plan to have another Bake Sale, along with a Desserts for Needy Kids food collection project.