October 2007 Edition
      David Maloney, Editor        
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Kiwanis International is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time.
KI Pres. Nelson Tucker Visits Capital District; Receives Award From "Reading Is Fundamental, Inc."
The internationally known organization "Reading Is Fundamental" (RIF) held its Third Annual Gift of Reading Awards Gala on September 21st at the Andrew H. Mellon Auditorium in Washington, DC. Accepting the awards for Kiwanis was none other than our 2006-2007 Kiwanis International President Nelson Tucker with his First Lady Alva. Presenting the award to Kiwanis and President Nelson was Lynda Johnson Robb, RIF Chairman Emerita. more
Key Leader Program Underway
As I write this article for the Builder, the Capital District is about to hold its very first Key Leader Weekend. All statistics point to it being one of the most successful initial weekends ever held. With only a few days left to register, 35 students are already on board. Included in that number are five Key Club officers who have stepped up to the plate and volunteered to serve as the very first Student Facilitators. They are Anne Elder from Virginia Beach, Terrance Clark of Largo, Carolyn McCauley from Christ Church School, Emily Engberg and Hyo bin Sung both from The Salisbury School in Maryland. These students will cover the leadership curriculum at the same time they will be practicing great leadership skills as they each head up break-out neighborhoods. more
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Mustangs Ducks and GOLD for Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines/Ocean City
by David Landis

WOW! The 2007 Wildfire Red Ford Mustang which the local Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines/Ocean City gave away from the sale of tickets on the Ocean City Boardwalk from the first day of Springfest, May 3rd, until the last day of Sunfest, September 23rd was awarded to lucky winner, Michele Astbury from New Jersey, who bought the ticket the last week of July during her first visit to Ocean City. She and her husband were enjoying a vacation given to them by her parents. (Upper right) Michele's winning entry was pulled by Ocean City Mayor, Rick Meehan (center), seen reading off the winner's information at the end of Sunfest on September 23rd, while Kiwanis Lt. Governor for Division 15, Charlie Wanner, who chaired the raffle for the club, and fellow Kiwanians, Phil Lassiter and Steve Rosen on the left of the picture, look on with anticipation.

Charlie Wanner (center photo) quickly found a quiet place on the beach and, with pleasure, called Michele with the exciting news.

(Lower right photo) The Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines/Ocean City "Boardwalk Car Raffle" winner of the 2007 Wildfire Red Mustang convertible, Michele Astbury from NJ, picked up her prize at Sherwood Ford in Salisbury this past week. Pictured are: (L to R) Kiwanis Club of Greater OP/OC past president, Al Kastner; Kiwanis Division 15 former Lt. Governor, Ralph Chinn; Michele Astbury; current Division 15 Lt. Governor, Charlie Warner who also chaired the raffle for the local club; and newly installed Kiwanis Club of Greater OP/OC president, Ed Schaefer.

The real winners are the students who will receive scholarships from the Kiwanis Foundation funds raised by the 2007 Ocean City Boardwalk Car Raffle ticket sales.

It was the best of times. It was Kiwanis Duck Race time. Almost 100 people attended the picnic that accompanied the Annual Kiwanis Duck Race at Frontiertown on Saturday September 8th, and hundreds bought chances on the ducks that raced that day. Just look at them all lined up to race while Kiwanians (L to R) Nolan Dove, Jim Spicknall, Graham "Jack" Caldwell, Don Schmid, Mary Foelber and Dex Stannard hold them back for the start. Funds were raised in support of the local club's Kiwanis Foundation which funds scholarships for deserving seniors students at Stephen Decatur High School.
The goal of Kiwanis International is to "Serve the Children of the World". By donating funds to Worcester County G.O.L.D (Giving Others Lives Dignity) the Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines/Ocean City achieves that goal. Priority One is a program within GOLD and focuses on assisting in the care of children from pre-natal to age 5 and every week at regular Wednesday morning meetings, collection cans are placed on the tables by Kiwanian Dick Jacobs, who is the club's liaison to Worcester County GOLD, to allow members to donate to Priority One. Pictured (L to R) are Kiwanis president Al Kastner, Worcester County Gold Director Debbie Cole, and Dick Jacobs for the check presentation. Debbie Cole was the featured speaker at the meeting and explained how G.O.L.D., a grass roots non-profit organization celebrating 10 years of service to Worcester County, and recognized as the outstanding Maryland Non Profit organization by the Maryland Association of Non Profit Charities in 2005, goes about helping those in need in Worcester County. Many of her examples were heart wrenching, but at the same time rewarding to see how up to 95% of the donations actually go to recipients. Having an ongoing relationship with Worcester County G.O.L.D. is a real benefit for Kiwanis and the community.


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