October 2007 Edition
      David Maloney, Editor        
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Kiwanis International is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time.
KI Pres. Nelson Tucker Visits Capital District; Receives Award From "Reading Is Fundamental, Inc."
The internationally known organization "Reading Is Fundamental" (RIF) held its Third Annual Gift of Reading Awards Gala on September 21st at the Andrew H. Mellon Auditorium in Washington, DC. Accepting the awards for Kiwanis was none other than our 2006-2007 Kiwanis International President Nelson Tucker with his First Lady Alva. Presenting the award to Kiwanis and President Nelson was Lynda Johnson Robb, RIF Chairman Emerita. more
Key Leader Program Underway
As I write this article for the Builder, the Capital District is about to hold its very first Key Leader Weekend. All statistics point to it being one of the most successful initial weekends ever held. With only a few days left to register, 35 students are already on board. Included in that number are five Key Club officers who have stepped up to the plate and volunteered to serve as the very first Student Facilitators. They are Anne Elder from Virginia Beach, Terrance Clark of Largo, Carolyn McCauley from Christ Church School, Emily Engberg and Hyo bin Sung both from The Salisbury School in Maryland. These students will cover the leadership curriculum at the same time they will be practicing great leadership skills as they each head up break-out neighborhoods. more
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Rehoboth Beach Kiwanis Club Hosts Special Olympics
by Rosemary Cummings, Chair, CPR-M Committee

Despite a windy sendoff, choppy seas and ominous clouds, the 12th Annual Special Olympics Fishing Tournament at Cape Henlopen Fishing Piers was more than successful - it ended as a beautiful Day at the Beach for over 200 attendees. Rehoboth Beach Kiwanis Club and Midway Lions volunteers wearing the traditional "Day at the Beach" T-shirts worked together to prepare lunches with plenty of hamburgers and hot dogs, chips, cookies and apples for all. Winners for the day were Elizabeth Avelleyra, caught first fish, Kim Strum, caught the most fish, and Robert Tingle caught the largest fish - a whopping 16.5 pounds. Program coordinator, Janie Miller, Tom Cahall of DE Surf Fishers and Bob Sabartino, A& R Bait and Tackle presented trophies to the winners. After lunch, many families took a relaxing ride on the Cape May-Lewes Ferry. Kiwanis Youth volunteers, Chris Davidson and Daren Willey said the event was a lot of fun and they would be back next year.

The Kiwanis Family
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