August 2011 eBuilder Front Page
Governor Tom's Message
by Gov. Tom Varner
The 2011 District Convention in Williamsburg is fast approaching. The Committee has been working at a very hectic pace to make sure this is one of the best events for Kiwanians, partners, and the whole family. Carla Morin is making sure that the program runs smoothly and that everyone who attends has a room and a place at one the many meal tables.
Again, this year, there is a package plan that will save attendees on the total cost of the registration and meals. We will have good attendance based on early figures. While the DCON starts officially on Friday, many Kiwanians will kick off the event on Thursday with a golf tournament to benefit the Eliminate Project. You will be hearing a lot about Eliminate this weekend and in the future.
We will get down to business on Friday morning, as your District Board of Trustees will be meeting at 9:00 a.m.
A leadership luncheon for both the 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 District leadership is next on the agenda. For the first time there will be long term (that means three-hour) training sessions available to all Kiwanians. If you want to see your Capital District Foundation Board of Trustees in action, they will be meeting Friday afternoon.
It will be party time Friday night. Included in the package program is a pool party. Bring your suits and enjoy the fun and fellowship along with picnic fare. The past few conventions have had events for all attendees on Friday evening to give everyone a chance to meet and to re-meet new and old friends.
On Saturday all Kiwanians will get down to work, with sessions in a wide variety of topics. There should be something there for everyone. There will also be an opportunity to be involved with the Stop Hunger Now service project on Saturday. The Governors of the Key Club and CKI will address the convention on Saturday at the luncheon. We will be recognizing Charter honorees in the Eliminate program. Delegates will hear remarks from our International Counselor. They will also hear about the State of the District at the First House of Delegates.
Saturday evening is the Governor's banquet where we will honor our District Officers, Trustees, and Lieutenant Governors along with our Past Governors and several distinguished guests. We will also take some time to honor our retiring Secretary/Treasurer Ellis H. Stroup. Ellis has served in this post since May 1975.
We will conclude on Sunday morning with the second House of Delegates where the 2011-2012 Governor and Governors-Elect will be selected by the delegates. After the House adjourns, we will have our breakfast and the installation of the new District Officers. It will be a great three days.
The Capital District is very fortunate in having International Trustee Jane Erickson who will serve as our International Counselor. Many of you know Jane from her leadership this year for both of our Key Leader experiences. Jane is also Past President of the Kiwanis International Foundation and was a guest at our 2008 DCON in Richmond.
The Capital District is experiencing a positive grow for the first time in this century. The challenge is to stay positive. The clubs who purge their rolls historically use the last two months of the year to do so. While this should never be a last minute event, the figures say otherwise. Part of this is the lateness of billing and short time frames to pay. I would ask everyone to be tolerant and not drop members who you know will pay a few days late.
Our other area where we can use some help is the building of new clubs. So far this year we have built one. That is the Kiwanis Climb of Young Professional of Tidewater. The club members follow the 3-2-1 meeting obligation - three service hours, two social hours, and one hour for business. This plan has proven successful for the 40-and-under group. A second successful club chartered at the end of last year was one at Fort Eustis. This is a club on a military base and the Capital District probably has as many, if not more, military bases than any other District. Check to see if you could do one new club.
In the spirit of openness, the Board of Trustees has posted the agenda (Board Book) for the last two meetings and will have the Board Books for both the 2010-2011 Board and the 2011-2012 meetings on August 19 posted by the first weekend in August. The Board has also posted the proposed draft of the 2011-2012 Budget. All pending items and all drafts and final document will be available to the membership.
Well, it is time to prepare for the Convention. Thanks for all you've done during the past ten months. Let's keep gaining new members in the next two! As Kiwanis International President Neal had told the Governors - "Finish Strong".