Helen's Herald
by Div 19 LTG Helen Zebarth
First, may I wish you all a very Happy New Year! I hope this year is especially wonderful for you personally and for your club!
Blue Ridge has had a busy December with Bell Ringing for the Salvation Army, Kids Voting in November, sponsoring the blood drive on Christmas Eve with getting 79 units.
Clarke County also sponsored the Russell Precinct for Kids Voting.
Front Royal had a very successful pancake day, and they are doing a reading program for five elementary schools. This is their second year doing this reading for Young Children Priority One.
Old Town adopted 15 Angels from the Salvation Army and during their fall Day of Caring they came into contact with a woman raising four grandchildren alone in a house with a bathroom that was not suitable for living. They began the Tub Project and with donations for club members, help from a business, and hard work of several members they were able to replace the flooring, toilet, and tub.
Strasburg continues to work on their school project. Remember the opening is January 8th from 6:00-10:00pm at 239 High Street in Strasburg. Come and support their efforts.
Winchester Noon had their annual Christmas party for 72 underprivileged children with local schools. They wrapped 499 presents and with James Wood Key Club as elves gave them to the children on Dec.8th. They inducted two new members and approved another. The spring pancake day will be April 9th. Several members supported Blue Ridge with their blood drive.
Thank you for all you are doing. I did not hear from all of you this month. Have a Happy New Year.