"On To Church Sunday" at the U.S. Naval Academy Coincides with Midshipman's Graduation Week
By Past Governor Bob Cressy
There are many things that have become traditions in the Capital District and one of those for many people has been the annual springtime "On To Church Sunday" at the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland. The 'chapel' is really more like a cathedral in size and splendor and the morning services are equally impressive. There are several different denominational services conducted there.
Sunday, May 17th, a group of Kiwanians gathered to attend together. This was also that last regular Sunday service of the 2009 graduating Midshipmen of the Naval Academy so it had a special meaning to the Navy as well as all parishioners that morning. It was very patriotic, offering congratulations to the graduates as well as wishing them protection from harm and success in defending the United States of America.
The services were followed by a photo of a few of the folks in attendance, followed by a Sunday brunch at the Lowe's Hotel in Annapolis arranged by chairs (and PLGs) Marie and Wayne Quick. Thanks to both of you.
Annual Past Governors' Meeting Also Held in Annapolis As Well
The Sunday events were also incorporated into the annual Past Governor's Weekend which was held in Annapolis hosted, as is tradition by a recent PG, in this case by Bob and Nancy Cressy. The Past Governor's committee acts as a resource to the District and offers a sounding board, ideas and assistance to the Governor and Governor Elect.
Governor Tom Ganse discussed the State of the Capital District, and Gov. Elect Don Dudey his goals and objectives for 2009-2010 at the business meeting. Attendees included Governors Joe Hillier, Pres Davis, Dick Feeser, Art Riley, John Tyner, Ed Novak, Warren Kane, Jerry Peuler, Dig DeGarmo, and Bob Cressy.
The three day meeting has social and business aspects to it beginning with a casual dinner on Friday, a business meeting on Saturday morning with a tour of the Maryland state capitol for guests, and social time the rest of Saturday. It was capped by the USNA Chapel and brunch.