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by Elana Gardner
Last month Capital District Secretary/Treasurer Tom Varner asked that we get back to basics. One way is through the recognition of Kiwanians who volunteer decades of service as members. The success of Kiwanis is largely due to the strong, effective, and active service of thousands of members. These dedicated individuals deserve recognition for having helped make Kiwanis the great organization it is today. The Legion of Honor award was created to extend a token of appreciation to these Kiwanians recognizing members from their 25th year of service and incrementally every five years thereafter. Congratulations to the following Capital District Kiwanians who have earned this honor during the first three months of the Kiwanis year.
In last month's article "Kiwanis Becomes Coed" you were reminded of a historical moment of change, diversity and inclusion within our organization.
"By the time of the Washington, DC convention, more than 50 clubs had openly admitted women members." A special congratulations to Virginia Espie and to the Crofton Kiwanis Club who 25 years ago welcomed her as a member.
25 Years
George Johnson Winchester 1-Oct
Howard Tugwell Norfolk 1-Oct
Stephen Baker Elkton 16-Oct
William Douglas Middlesex Saluda 20-Oct
Edwin Cooper Ashland 27-Oct
James Arend Roanoke 29-Oct
Virginia Espie* Crofton 8-Nov
Rufus Easter Old Point Comfort Hampton 11-Nov
John Knapp Waynesboro 11-Nov
Charlie Sessoms Old Point Comfort Hampton 11-Nov
Dwight Warren Baltimore City 13-Nov
William Jones Charlottesville 17-Nov
Kenneth Surber Harrisonburg 19-Nov
G Goodnough Churchland Portsmouth 20-Nov
Thomas Parker Arlington 26-Nov
Duane Dahlquist Danville 2-Dec
Robert Duckworth Crofton 4-Dec
Steven Knowles Christiansburg 11-Dec
David Scyphers Abingdon 11-Dec
Ted Swanson Lynchburg 19-Dec
30 Years
Allen Clark Norfolk 1-Oct
Thomas Reider Waynesboro 13-Oct
David Addison Richmond 14-Oct
Ralph Palmer Seaford 17-Oct
Paul Hagy Norton 17-Nov
William Engel Towson-Timonium 18-Nov
Dwight William Calvert County 21-Nov
Dale Sprenkel Williamsburg 1-Dec
George Taylor Shepherd Park Washington 15-Dec
Wayne Fox Frederick 30-Dec
35 Years
Malcolm Mann La Plata 14-Oct
Linton Beasley Lynchburg 5-Nov
Donald Jones Charlottesville 15-Nov
Craig Zunka Front Royal 17-Nov
Richard Webb Harbor Front Norfolk 21-Nov
Thomas Moody Chester 24-Nov
Charles Neer Staunton 28-Nov
William Collins Richmond 1-Dec
Donald Manning Arlington 12-Dec
40 Years Charles Lincoln Marion 5-Oct
45 Years Robert Murdock Hagerstown 3-Nov
65 Years
M Gregory Chesapeake 13-Nov
Bernard Rivin Portsmouth 27-Nov