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"11-11-11" Bethesda Kiwanis Club & American Legion Honors
Our Military on Veteran's Day: "All Gave Some; Some Gave All!"
by Past Governor Bob Cressy
Veteran's Day is one of three major days set aside, by most of us, to actually honor those who have served the United States of America in the military. Those prime dates, in my opinion, are November 11th Veterans Day, in May its Armed Forces Day, then Memorial Day on May 30th. It means so much to have an outward display, even for just a few moments, to say 'thank you for your service' to a veteran. For the Kiwanis Club of Bethesda, Maryland, and American Legion Fitzgerald Cantrell Post #105, Bethesda, "11-11-11" marked the 52nd straight year that they have led the Veteran's Day ceremony in Bethesda Chevy Chase. (Right. Veterans Day is always a special day to honor all of our veterans, past and present. The Kiwanis Club of Bethesda and the American Legion Fitzgerald Post #105 in Bethesda has presented this Veterans Day Observance for the past 52 years! This was a unique date as well: "11-11-11" with the ceremony beginning precisely at 11 AM, exactly the time the Great War ended on November 11th, 1918.)
Let me give you in a few snapshots and a few words just how Kiwanis and the American Legion praise those who served and are serving. In war or peace, it was sometimes unknown state when an American was called or volunteered and they stepped up to a duty. Remember, "A veteran is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America' for an amount up and including their life".
November 11th, 2011, was a clear but very cool and windy day in Bethesda. After a patriotic medley performed by the Bethesda Chevy Chase High School Brass Quintet, at 11:00 AM sharp, the program was opened by Master of Ceremonies Bob Cressy, Past Kiwanis Governor and Bethesda Club member, and American Legion member. The invocation was given by Reverend John Walker, also a Bethesda Kiwanian, followed by the Presentation of Colors. Our National Anthem was strongly and firmly sung by Scott Forbes of the Montgomery County Fire & Rescue Services. (Left. Representing the sponsoring organizations are Bob Waters, American Legion Post #105 Commander, and Bob Cressy, Bethesda Kiwanis Club and Past Governor of the Capital District Kiwanis International for Maryland, Virginia, Delaware and the District of Columbia. Bob Cressy has been the Master of Ceremonies for the past 18 years. He is also a member of the American Legion Post.)
Following that, was:
Pledge of Allegiance - by American Legion Post #105 Commander Bob Waters.
Half Staffing of the Flag - by Bob Waters.
The Introduction of Officials and Program Participants - M.C. Bob Cressy
The Recognition Roll Call of Veterans in Attendance by Branch of Service, with each standing in turn:
- The United States Marine Corps - 236th Happy Birthday, Marines, on November 10th - Semper Fi !
- The United States Army
- The United States Air Force
- The United States Navy
- The United States Coast Guard and,
- The United States Merchant Marines
Keynote Speaker U.S. Navy Captain Frederick C. Kass, Medical Corps, Commanding Officer, Naval Support Activity, Bethesda, Maryland, was introduced. CPT Kass spoke of past veterans now gone and to all veterans of today. He spoke of the special challenges of veterans of Afghanistan and Iraq wounded in action and their families during their time of healing and adjustment. They need your support and prayers. He urged people to remember and help where they can.
As just a bit of an aside, as you know the Bethesda Kiwanis Club, President Jim Leder, is co-host with the American Legion of this ceremony (for 52 years). They are also partners with the Maryland Parks and Planning Department and the Washington Nationals Baseball team of the newly dedicated Miracle League of Montgomery County field. The field surfaces are constructed of rubber so that physically or mentally challenged children can safely play baseball for the first time in their lives. Wounded veterans will be encouraged to become buddies of these kids on the field, a therapy for both parties. Wounded veterans can also schedule their own adult games at the field. This is the first such field in Maryland. The next 12 week season begins in May 2012. President Jim brought the Miracle League vision to fruition - a spectacular five year accomplishment of planning and dedication to reality. More at another time, however. (Above. The key event of the Observance is the recognition of our Veterans by civic, historical and military organizations at the Veteran's monument in honor of veterans of World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam and the Gulf Wars. Fifteen organizations including the two American Legion Posts, the Kiwanis Club of Bethesda, Kiwanis Club of Potomac, the Bethesda Chevy Chase Rotary Club, the Greater Bethesda Chevy Chase Chamber of Commerce, the Bethesda Urban Partnership, and three Daughters of the American Revolution presented wreathes. Each was called by roll to come forth, touch their wreath while observing a moment of silence. It is a moving ceremony which a crowd of veterans and friends also remained silent.)
Also the Potomac Kiwanis Club, President Mike Cronin, USN Captains Retired, sponsors the annual Armed Forces Day Dinner in May with many wounded veterans as guests. Both clubs aid the National Institute of Health Children's Inn meal program for children with cancer or special medical needs along with their families. Both clubs give veterans much support. See, One CAN Make a Difference! It can be YOU!
Back to the Program. Fifteen civic, government and veteran's organizations then placed floral wreathes at the veteran's monument one-by-one. As each was called by name, their representative walked in silence to their wreath, touched it, backed up and stood, many saluted, and the next was called. Among those honoring veterans were the two Kiwanis Clubs, the Rotary Club of Friendship Heights, the Bethesda Chevy Chase Chamber of Commerce, two American Legion Posts, the Bethesda Urban Partnership which set up the physical facilities, and multiple units of the Daughters of the American Revolution. It was colorful, ceremonious and respectful, as it is each year.
TAPS was then performed by Mariah Heinzerling of the B-CC High School Brass Quintet.
A Moment of Silence was observed as we performed the Full Staffing of the Flag.
The Colors were Retired.
The Benediction was given, praying for our veterans and blessing The United States of America.
A 'Thank You' to all and a Patriotic Medley by the Brass Quintet under the direction of Marshall White, B-CC High School closed the ceremony.
Please make sure that you say 'thank you' to a veteran when you see them. They'll appreciate your support.Thanks.