Important Club Insurance Issues
by Mike Rind
Club Secretaries recently received new General Liability packages from Kiwanis International. They have also received information on two major developments regarding Kiwanis's Insurance offerings.
First, Clubs may now choose to purchase an OPTIONAL "Accident Insurance" package, including death, injury and disability benefits for members injured while working on Kiwanis projects. The cost to a club ranges from $2.15 to $3.50 per member per year, depending on the level of coverage selected. In deciding whether to choose this option, clubs should consider whether it may duplicate coverage their members may already have in their personal homeowners' coverage, and also the amount of strenuous activity in which club members engage in their service and fundraising activities.
Second, an issue which has been a source of question for some time has now been resolved. As of November, 2009, Kiwanis General Liability Coverage no longer excludes the sale of alcohol. There are a number of requirements associated with this change, which will be discussed in detail during the upcoming District Midwinter Conference training session on risk management. This change reflects Kiwanis International's recognition that clubs and their members can be trusted to be responsible regarding alcohol use, especially during projects conducted in the presence of children.
Questions on these developments can be directed to my attention, please list my email address( or cell phone number (410 294 9423).