West Point Kiwanis Volunteers Read to Head Start Students
by Carolyn Palmer
West Point Kiwanis Club members Harry Whitt and Carolyn Palmer joined the Head Start teachers and students in West Point on a recent Friday morning to share their love of reading. It was a great day for reading - thanks to a $1,100 grant from RIF (Reading is Fundamental), the Bridges Head Start Program was able to give a new book to each of the 216 children in its 12 Head Start classes around the region, along with the 54 children in the Smart Start Preschool in West Point.
Bridges Head Start and the Smart Start preschool are part of the PCDC (Parent-Child Development Center) organization. PCDC has provided preschool programs, family support systems and family support services for many decades in West Point. Now, with the addition of Head Start services two years ago, PCDC serves children from Charles City to the Rappahannock River.
Reading is Fundamental is the nation's largest, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting literacy among all children, with a focus on low-income children who are least likely to have books in their homes. Supported by the U.S. Department of Education and generous contributions from corporations and individuals, RIF and its network of more than 400,000 volunteers distribute in excess of 15 million books a year to boys and girls across America.
PCDC teacher Sharon Bantel looks on as Kiwanis volunteer Harry Whitt talks with Head Start children about the book he has just shared with them.
Kiwanis volunteer Carolyn Palmer reads a book to Head Start children as part of the RIF (Reading is Fundamental) book distribution.