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2012 Cap. Dist. DCON Update
by Kristina Dlugozima, 2012 Capital District Convention Chair
As the Regional Midwinters get underway, it's not too soon to look ahead to the District Convention! The Kiwanis Clubs of Division 20 are excited to host the 94th annual Capital District Kiwanis Convention. The planning is well underway to make this one of the best conventions ever. From exciting speakers to educational workshops to a walk to raise money for ELIMINATE, this convention will have something to offer everyone!
Located in the bustling Reston Town Center in Northern Virginia, the Hyatt Regency Reston is a beautiful hotel facility that has the luxury of all of the meeting rooms being on the same floor for added convenience for all Kiwanians. This facility proved efficient and enjoyable for Kiwanians at the 2006 District Convention, and we look forward to returning to this hotel.
Early details about the convention are available on our website (www.passporttoservice.org). Also check us out on facebook (Capital District Kiwanis District Convention 2012).
We invite each and every Kiwanis Family member to join us at the Hyatt Regency Reston from August 24th through 26th, 2012 for some service, education, inspiration and of course, fun!
Kristina Dlugozima
2012 Capital District Convention Chair
Kiwanis Club of Tysons Corner/McLean, Virginia
On to New Orleans
June 28 - July 1, 2012
Capital District Convention
Aug 24-26,2012