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The Manassas Kiwanis clubs will be holding their annual Steak Fry Thursday May 10. 2012 starting at 5:30pm with dinner at 6:30pm at the Inn at Vint Hill. All clubs are invited to attend. Please mark your calendars for this evening of fun, fellowship, and excellent food and refreshments. For more information contact David Reinhard email: oneskipar@aol.com or George Harrington email: aharington@aol.com. Please make your reservations early.
Three Firsts for Great Bridge Kiwanis. At our first evening meeting under our new schedule, we made the first donation to the Chesapeake Library Foundation's new capital campaign. (Pictured above) President Jim Chellew presented Library Director Betsy Fowler with a $1,000 check to kickoff the Foundation's drive to raise $250,000 to renovate the children's areas in all seven of the City's libraries. Going beyond books, the areas will focus on activities to help develop pre -K skills children need before kindergarten - color groups, hand-eye coordination, numbers and more. Since the library provides internet access for about a quarter of Chesapeake's citizens, each area will include a computer center where parents can go on-line while staying close to their kids. This layout should encourage parents to bring their children to the library and provide important developmental activities for even more of Chesapeake's children. We also inducted our first new member of the year, Byrant Bourne.
Colonial Heights Kiwanis Club is currently taking team applications for their 31st Annual Priority Kiwanis "K"LASSIC Golf Tournament being held at Chesdin Landing Golf Club, Chesterfield, Virginia on Thursday, May 10, 2012 with a shotgun start of 12:30 P.M. Captain's Choice $400 per team, carts, range balls, food and beverages INCLUDED. Proceeds from this event will benefit Cancer Research at VCU/Massey Cancer Center and other Kiwanis Initiatives. There is a 36 team maximum so sign-up today by contacting: Judy M. Moore at CHVAKiwanisclub@gmail.com
April 15: Kiwanis Club of Annapolis Spring Picnic with food, beverages, beer, wine, silent auction. Featuring entertainment by the Oyster Boys. Proceeds benefit local charities including: The Lighthouse Shelter, Friends of Arundel Seniors, Central Special School, J. Albert Adams Academy, Calvary United Methodist Church &1st Presbyterian Winter Relief, Queen Anne's County Christian Assistance Programs, Queen Anne's County Children's Council. April 15, 3:00 - 7:00 PM, St. Margaret's Church, 1601 Pleasant Plains Rd. Annapolis. Tickets $20.00. For more information call:Gisela Pegram 410 266-7606 or Grant Harmon 410 507-7870.
The Kiwanis Club of Reisterstown held a Pancake Dinner on Shrove Tuesday. Everyone that attended really enjoyed themselves. The event was held at the Reisterstown United Methodist Church in Reisterstown, February 21 from 4-7pm. Many members of the Kiwanis Club prepared and cooked the pancake, egss and sausages for dinner. The members of the Franklin Key Club and Builders Club also helped to serve and clean up after the dinner. The Kiwanis Club of Reisterstown did this as a Service project for the Reisterstown United Methodist Church.
Kiwanis of Front Royal Welcomes Elementary School Principal. The Kiwanis Club of Front Royal fills its mission every week of helping children in our community by having guest speakers that get to the "meat" of the situation with kids. Recently, Margaret Holmes, principal at E Wilson Morrison Elementary School spoke to the group about school certification. She explained how difficult it is to deal with students whose families are transient, uneducated, worn out and unemployed which is a high percentage of her student populations. Her staff makes every effort to not only teach these children, but to support them with special programs. Pictured, Wayne Barber, Kiwanis Host and Mrs. Holmes.
Don Guanella Village Aktion Club Savors the moment! Frank Werner, Advisor to The Don Guanella Aktion club, presents a check as a donation in support of their 2012 planned community service programs. Receiving the donation and present in the picture on right side of the club banner are Jackie A-President, Michael G-Secretary, Kiwanis Co-Advisor, Frank X. Werner, Sr, from Wilmington, DE Kiwanis Club and on left side, Jackie E Vice President, Kiwanis Co-Advisor Gus Iatesta from Baltimore Pike, PA Kiwanis Club and Aktion Club member James S. Both the Baltimore Pike, PA and Wilmington, DE Kiwanis Clubs co-sponsor the Don Guanella Village Aktion Club of 14 members. John McCabe ( not pictured) is the Club Facility Advisor and Don Guanella Village Director of Activities and Reverend Dennis Weber, SdC (not pictured) is Don Guanella Village Director of Mission Integration.
On to New Orleans
June 28 - July 1, 2012
Capital District Convention
Aug 24-26,2012