Growing Your Club This Spring
by Past Gov Art Rilery
May is a great month and provides an excellent opportunity to grow each Kiwanis club in the Capital District. Kiwanians know that with more hands clubs can do more service projects and support more service leadership programs such as CKI, Key Club, K-Kids, Builders Clubs and Aktion Clubs. Whether the club has 15 or 150 members the steps to follow are the same and if you follow these principles the club will gain members and the community will benefit.
Step #1: Have a mission for the club. Each Kiwanis Club is different but the club must be able to succinctly state what the club does for the community. Each prospective member will inquire as to, "what does Kiwanis do for the community." In other words why should the prospective member invest his/her time to join Kiwanis? Be able to condense the club's purpose into a 60 second "elevator speech" that each member knows.
Step #2: Develop a plan. Membership growth needs a plan just like a business needs a business plan. This plan should include:
- A commitment to grow and to make the changes that will be required as new members join.
- Responsibilities for each member. Do not expect the president or membership chair to achieve grow the club independently.
- A "time line" that is continuous and encompasses the entire year
- Target groups of possible new members that will be approached in a coordinated manner. These should include specific businesses, educators, independent business people, SLP parents, former members, certain professionals, underrepresented minorities, civic leaders, SLP alumni and any other community groups that are a part of the community.
- In this month of MAY, visit the CKI clubs and Kiwanis Key Clubs that the club sponsors and invite them to join Kiwanis.
- Set reasonable and achievable goals.
Step #3: Monitor the plan. Build into the plan periodic review points to see how the club and the members are meeting the goals and be prepared to alter goals and procedures as necessary.
Step #4: Utilize the Capital District and Kiwanis International tools that are available to the club. The District has members of the Growth Team available in each region to assist with club growth, public relations and communications and new club building. Additionally, Kiwanis International has excellent literature and new ideas available. Check out the web sites or contact a member of the Growth Team for advice or counsel.
Step #5: Publicize and promote activities and projects, especially those involving youth. Need ideas? Consult the Capital District web site and review the Communications and Public Relations template that is available that will provide ideas as to ways to promote the club to gain better visibility in the community.
These five steps have been shown to work, but beware. The results may require a new found enthusiasm from existing members. New members result in new ideas that should be included in club projects and fund raisers. Service hours will grow and more your youth of the community will benefit. Also, be ready to make necessary changes in the club's operation to accommodate these new ideas and younger members. Kiwanis is changing be a part of this change through club growth and make sure Kiwanis is FUN!