Suburban Frederick Club
by Dave Maloney
(Above) At the recent Frederick Area Little League Opening Day held at Angelberger Field in Baker Park, several members of the Kiwanis Club of Suburban Frederick were on hand to support the Minor League Player Pitch and Machine Pitch teams they sponsor. Pictured are Player Pitch team members enjoying the day with Kiwanian Eric Gatrell. (L to R) Nicholas Vlassopoulos, Brad Walker, Eric Gatrell, Ryan Maddon and Nate Spector.
(Above) The Kiwanis Club of Suburban Frederick recently provided assistance to Hope Alive in Sabillasville, MD. Hope Alive is a non-profit Christian ministry that offers transitional home and support services for women and their children. The Kiwanians spent the day cleaning and doing laundry. On the outside, they removed weeds, trimmed the yard, cleaned the flower beds, tilled the vegetable garden and repaired some steps. "We cannot fully express our thanks to the Kiwanis Club of Suburban Frederick. They were so pleasant, happy and willing to work," said Missy Miller, Operations Manager.' Pictured standing (L to R) Nicholas Brie, Terry Proescholdt, Phil Pople, Frank Parker. Sitting (L to R) Missy Miller, Peter Brehm, Debbi Matthews, Dave Maloney."
(Above) The Kiwanis Club of Suburban Frederick recently inducted two new members, Peter Brehm and Robert Wilson. Pictured (L to R) Club Pres. Bill Muffi looks on as sponsor Eric Gatrell presents a new-member packet to Peter Brehm while new-member Robert Wilson receives a packet from his sponsor, Frank Parker. Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to helping children and the less fortunate.
(Above) DFC Kevin White of the Frederick County Sheriff's Dept. recently discussed crime prevention and the Neighborhood Watch Program with members of the Kiwanis Club of Suburban Frederick. DFC White explained phone scams, con games, the need to secure your home, and other ways to protect yourself against crime. Pictured, left to right, club member Joe Vitanza receives some crime prevention tips from DFC White.
(Above) At a recent meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Suburban Frederick, Angela Blair, MSW, MS, CHES, Health Educator at the Frederick County Health Dept., explained the history of the H1N1 Flu virus as well as Frederick County's steps to minimize its spread through the use of flu shots and nasal-spray vaccines which are available at Health Dept. clinics. "Each year in the United States, on average, seasonal flu-related complications results in more than 200,000 people being hospitalized and 36,000 deaths," said Blair. Pictured, Angela Blair shares H1N1 flu information with club member, Eric Gatrell.
(Above) At a recent club meeting, Paul Fer, Assistant Principle at St. John's Regional Catholic School, reported to the Kiwanis Club of Suburban Frederick on the success his school is having. "Celebrating 180 years of academic excellence in Frederick County, the school has been awarded the 2009 National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence in recognition of its outstanding academic programs, state-of-the-art facility, student accomplishments, and the Christ-centered atmosphere on campus," Fer said. Pictured is Paul Fer sharing school literature with club member Peter Brehm.
(Above) Robert Bastress, a National Board Certified Acupuncturist from the Integrative Medicine Center in Hagerstown, MD, recently visited the Kiwanis Club of Suburban Frederick to explain the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, eating well, and treating the source of illness and not just its symptoms through holistic healthcare services. Pictured Rob Bastress (right) uses an acupuncture chart to explain the twelve main meridians to club president Bill Muffi.