Wilmington Club Reads to Kids
by Dusty Robinson
(Fire Captain Harris & Police Officer Eric reading to the Salvation Army 3 year old class)
When learning American Sign Language, people are urged to sign when speaking and I often do it with out thinking. Our Priority One project is reading to 2 through 5 yr. olds, located at the Salvation Army Day Care. We Kiwanians usually team up with fire fighters, policemen & college volunteers, whom we have "recruited", to take on these energetic tots. Our goal is to have them interact with the stories, while encouraging them to read.
I had teamed up with Pat Bartoshesky, a new Kiwanis member, and we selected the 3 yr. old class. I automatically started to sign as I read, then some children began copying my movements.
Pat was great! She also was signing the story as I read and the children wanted us to show them again and again. Before we were finished the teachers were asking how to sign this or that and were anxious to have us come back and teach all of them more.
It taught me a wonderful thing. Learning is happy and exciting, but sharing what you have learned is uplifting to the spirit.