Club Snapshots
The Kiwanis Club of Colonial Heights conducted its annual Shrimp Feast on September 15 at Lake Chesdin. The club does the
cooking. It is all you can eat and drink for $30. Pictured above Fred Zehrer has the perfect technique to mix the spices with the shrimp.
The Kiwanis Club of Woodbridge, VA, hosted its third annual Get-Together Luncheon for its SLC Faculty Advisors. On Thursday, September 2, 2010, the Kiwanis Club of Woodbridge, VA, hosted its third annual "Get-Together" luncheon for the Faculty Advisor of its Service Leadership Clubs (SLC), including the officers of NVCC-WB CKI Club. The luncheon was held at the Montclair Country Club, near Woodbridge, VA, beginning at 11:30 am. As with their previous luncheons, the agenda was wide open. Everybody brought their questions, thoughts, and ideas to the meeting; and many of them were answered. The question of the payment of membership dues generated a lot of discussion; but, unfortunately, they could not resolve it during the meeting, as the dues are set by District and Kiwanis International. As during their past luncheons, the discussion continued for almost two hours, even during the meal. The overall evaluation of the meeting was that it was outstanding, in that it brought all the Clubs together in a meaningful and open discussion that was a big benefit to all attendees. The group decided to hold a training session for its club officers during early October. The training session will be conducted by the officers of the NVCC-WB CKI Club.
On September 1, Mrs. Cristina Schoendorf, Director of Progreso Hispano on Mohawk Lane, was the Guest Speaker at the dinner meeting of the Mount Vernon Kiwanis Club, which met at the Mount Vernon Country Club. She explained the various programs she offers, including English as a Second Language, computer basic training, and preparation for taking the US citizen test. Her small staff of 4 is supplemented by a dozen volunteers interested in community service. For more information about Progreso Hispano, call Cristina at 703-799-8830. For more information about community service through Kiwanis, see or send an e-mail to (Above, Cristina Schoendorf, Director of Progreso Hispano, receives tokens of appreciation from MV Kiwanis Club President Bruce Malkin)
On Wednesday, October 6, the Mount Vernon Kiwanis Club will celebrate its 58th Charter Night since its inception in 1953. From 6-8 pm, the members will enjoy a special dinner at the Mount Vernon Country Club and a short program, including induction of new Officers and Board Members for 2010-2011 by Kiwanis Division 20 Lt-Gov Marvin Crawford. Entertainment by Mike Surratt and his magical keyboard. If you wish to learn more about what the Mount Vernon Kiwanis Club does for the community, see its website at and its FaceBook page. For dinner reservations to join the members in their celebration, call Bruce Malkin at 703-360-7725.
The Town Center Kiwanis Club of Virginia Beach ended the 2009-2010 year on a positive note. Our membership continues to grow and our weekly attendance is also climbing. Our fundraiser this month, the Virginia Beach Neptune Festival beer tent, was a huge success. We can thank wonderful weather for part of that success and members Greg Hayes and Dan Hargrave for overseeing the event. We participated in REACH(reading to children at risk), and presented checks to Together WE Can, and Kids Priority One. The Race Committee has been intensifying its planning regarding our November 5K Town Center Race and Taste of Town Center. Our Officer and Board Member Installation has been rescheduled to October 6, which begins our 2010 - 2011 Kiwanis year. We hope to continue to grow and increase our giving to children's charities.
Members of the Kiwanis Club of York visit Poquoson Club on Sept 21, 2010
Poquoson Kiwanis President Walt Burns welcomes Cara Anthony visiting from the Daily Press. Cara is preparing a "Making a Difference" feature about the Poquoson club.
The Kiwanis Club of Poquoson welcomed 2010-2011 officers for the Poquoson High School Key Club at its regular Tuesday morning breakfast meeting. Pictured left to right are Mic Platt, Faculty Advisor; Connor Sullivan, President; Erica Gottschlich, Treasurer; Kristina Becouverakis, Secretary; and Sean Hopkins, Publicist. Jake Owens (not pictured), is the new Vice President.