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Joint WKC/CKI Flea Market Fundraiser
by Brian Bell
The Woodbridge (VA) Kiwanis Club (WKC) and NVCC Woodbridge Campus Circle K International (CKI) Club joined forces on 6 August 2011 to participate in a church sponsored flea market fundraiser. The goal was to raise funds for NVCC CKI Club to support their community service projects during the upcoming school year. The participation in the flea market was the brainchild of Rachel Villarroel, President of the CKI Club. The preparations consisted of collecting donations from family, friends, neighbors, and some previous yard sales. The setup on the day of the flea market started at 4:30 am. There were already some vendors setting up. At 7 am, the sales began, with moderate results. At about 9:30 am, heavy, then light rains came and continued for about an hour. The items for sale were quickly wrapped with sheets of plastic drop cloths, so nothing got wet. After the rains stopped, about half of the vendors left, along with most of the crowd. However, the crowd returned and the sales began to become brisk. The brisk sales continued until closing time at 1 pm. The joint team sold a lot of items at reduced prices. However, their efforts resulted in a profit of nearly $600. While it took a lot of planning, coordination and hard work to get ready, the clubs are considering participating in the flea market on an annual basis. Items leftover from the flea market were donated to the ACTS (Action in the Community Through Service) Thrift Stores in Woodbridge and Dumfries, Virginia.
Flea Market activity.
NVCC and CKI members, including CKI President Rachel Villarroel (in the green NOVA shirt).
Gov. Tom Varner
New Cap. Dist. Sec/Treas |
New Capital District Secretary/Treasurer no Stranger to the Job
With the retirement of long-time Sec/Treas Ellis Stroup, effective October 1, 2011 Governor Tom Varner (right) will become the first new Secretary/Treasurer of the Capital District in over 36 years. At the 2011 DCON installation of officers ceremony, Kiwanis International Counselor Jane Erickson presented Tom with two pair of bulky athletic sox so that he might be better able to fill the big shoes left behind by outgoing Sec/Treas Ellis. "No one can fill Ellis’ shoes, but I will use all the skills and talents I have to be the best District Secretary/Treasurer that I can be," said Tom. ...more