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Kiwanis Club of Elkton Doll Project
by Bill McQuiston
The Kiwanis Club of Elkton offered the opportunity for Capital District Convention attendees in Williamsburg to work on a service project between events. The doll project provides dolls to local medical facilities in the Elkton area so that doctors can show the children by drawing on the dolls what procedures the child may be having. The dolls also can be given out simply to comfort children. In any case, the children can take the dolls home with them. Besides assistance with their own project, the Kiwanians in Elkton hope that other clubs might consider this great hands-on project for their own clubs. Information was provided on how to make the dolls. At the convention 52 were stuffed and 38 were stuffed and sewed closed making them ready for distribution. The Kiwanis Club of Elkton wishes to thank all those at the convention who helped with the project.
Gov. Tom Varner
New Cap. Dist. Sec/Treas |
New Capital District Secretary/Treasurer no Stranger to the Job
With the retirement of long-time Sec/Treas Ellis Stroup, effective October 1, 2011 Governor Tom Varner (right) will become the first new Secretary/Treasurer of the Capital District in over 36 years. At the 2011 DCON installation of officers ceremony, Kiwanis International Counselor Jane Erickson presented Tom with two pair of bulky athletic sox so that he might be better able to fill the big shoes left behind by outgoing Sec/Treas Ellis. "No one can fill Ellis’ shoes, but I will use all the skills and talents I have to be the best District Secretary/Treasurer that I can be," said Tom. ...more