April 2011 eBuilder Front Page
Let Kiwanis District Convention show you the way to make history
by Rob Elsass, Convention Communications Chair
The 2011 Capital District Convention planning committee continues to set the bar high for convention experiences this August in Williamsburg. For three exciting "official" days and one fun pre-convention day, attendees will have more options than ever to network, to learn about Kiwanis challenges and opportunities, to find out about future projects and programs, and to celebrate the accomplishments of this great organization. And surely, you will want to stop in the Caring Corner and the Kiwanis Store between workshops and delegate sessions. Registration goes live in mid-April on the web at www.Kiwnaiscdc2011.com.
Beginning Friday August 19 with a social function around the pool -- hot dogs, ice cream and other picnic favorites included -- Kiwanians will have an opportunity to participate in workshops, delegate sessions and additional social events. Saturday is the busiest day starting with the opening breakfast highlighted with remarks by Founding Father Patrick Henry (Richard Schumann, professional historical interpreter from Colonial Williamsburg). Morning workshops will be followed by the Fellowship Luncheon featuring a message from W. Taylor Reveley, III, president of the College of William and Mary and a strong supporter of Kiwanis. More workshops and seminars in the afternoon lead up to the Governor's Reception and Banquet on Saturday evening. This one promises to be extra special - Fifes & Drums, Strolling Strings and . . . but more about that later. Sunday morning begins with an Inspirational Breakfast and speaker Mark Morrow, Pastor of Crosswalk Community Church in Williamsburg, who will talk about a wonderful local teen support program Kiwanis is a part of.
Of special note, all-day Saturday the Planning Committee is sponsoring a service project attendees won't want to miss. You'll have a hands-on opportunity to make a difference in the lives children overseas as we package meals in support of Stop Hunger Now, a U.S.-based international hunger relief agency. Recently, the 20-member Planning Committee conducted a trial packaging session and put together 1,000 meals in about 15 minutes. We want to do 100 times that many at Convention. It's a production line, it takes focus, it's fun and we will make a difference. You will be hearing more as the convention grows nearer.
Other things in the offing include a special "Overview Tour" of the Williamsburg/Historic Triangle area to give you a chance to see all of the wonderful experiences, educational and just plain fun, that are available. And District 23 golfers are planning to host a pre-conference outing to raise money for the ELIMINATE Project. Convention hotel rates apply for one-week before and after the convention, if you make your reservations all at the same time.
Check the Convention committee's website at www.Kiwaniscdc2011.com for the latest information. You can subscribe to the Convention Blog as well as link to the Convention's Facebook page.
We're "Williamsburg Bound - History in the Making" in August 2011. Join us!
2011 Dist. Conv. Aug. 19-21 Williamsburg, VA |