Your Info and the Cap. Dist. Website Directory
by Governor Don Dudey and Governor Elect Tom Varner
In June, the Capital District Board approved the use of the Kiwanis International Excel spreadsheet of member information as the source of data for the online Capital District Directory on the Web Site. The Board wanted to be sure that any District Kiwanian's desire not to be a part of the Directory be respected.
For that reason, we are notifying all members that effective September 1, 2010 the Kiwanis International Excel spreadsheet containing member information will be the source to develop the Capital District online Directory.
Any member not wishing to be included in this new directory may opt out of the directory by contacting the District Secretary/Treasurer and requesting to be removed from the spreadsheet and directory. District Officers, Club Presidents, and Secretaries may not opt out.
You may contact Secretary/Treasurer Ellis Stroup at or snail mail to 7307 Coventry Drive, P. O. Box 855, Middletown, MD 21769. Please do not call so that there is hard copy confirmation of your wishes.
We thank everyone for their cooperation, and appreciate all Kiwanians willingness to make communications in the District more complete and accurate.