Sept. 22: Beach-combers Club Charity Golf Tournament
by Bob Burns, Sec.
The Virginia Beach-Combers club is pleased to announce the 14th annual 'CHIPPING IN FOR CHILDREN' Charity Golf Tournament to be held Wednesday, September 22, 2010 at the Eagle Haven Golf Course overlooking the beautiful Chesapeake Bay. Check-in & Registration start at 11:00 AM with Lunch at 11:30 and Shotgun Start at 12:15. Play is FLORIDA BEST BALL - LADIES WELCOME. The $65.00 per golfer includes: Greens Fee, Cart, Lunch, Goody Bag, Raffle Entry, free practice balls and the chance to win GREAT PRIZES. Proceeds go to our selected Eleven Hampton Roads and Kiwanis charities. For Entry Form and more information please e-mail