Club Charters Two New SLPs
by Allan Kujala
The Dover Kiwanis Club recently celebrated the chartering of two new service leadership program clubs - a Circle K club at Delaware State University and a Key Club at Middletown High School. The members of the two new clubs will perform service projects in their communities and their schools. The Dover Kiwanis Club also sponsors the Milford High School Key Club and the St. Thomas More Academy Key Club as well as the Aktion Club of Milford at KSI Industries and Dover Aktion Club based at Chimes for developmentally disabled adults. Pictured is Delaware State University CKI President Kathleen Charlot (left) and Middletown High School Key Club President David Mattera (right) displaying their club charters with Capital District Kiwanis Governor Tom Ganse (center). Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time. If you would like information about joining this active community service club dedicated to improving the lives of young people, contact Joyce Thompson at 678-2753.