2010 CKI Convention Programs Sought
by Rev. Carolyn S. Richar, BSN, RN, MDiv
You are invited to apply to present a workshop at the upcoming combined 2010 CKI District Convention/Kiwanis Midwinter conference. Workshops will be given on Saturday, February 27th in the morning and afternoon. Each workshop will be scheduled to last 50 minutes - but should it may be possible to offer one or two workshops that take up two consecutive time slots.
We would love to have some creative topics and interesting styles of presentation that would help members of CKI and Kiwanis learn to better serve our communities, recruit new membership, and share our successes with our communities. If you can think of a topic that you think would be helpful and "not the same old thing" - you have what we want!! We'd also love to see multi-media presentations and hands-on experiences wherever possible! Please go to the conference site at www.novakiwanis.org/midwinter and click on the upper right hand link to the workshop application pdf. You will need to fill out the form and then "save as" to your computer. Please e-mail the completed form as an attachment to me at crichar@capitalhospice.org. Applications are due no later than November 1st.
If you have any questions or just want to bounce some ideas around, please feel free to email me at the address listed above - or call/text me at 703-505-0265 or call me at home in the evenings at 703-425-1069.