Rehoboth Beach Club Speakers Address Community Needs
by Rosemary Cummings
Throughout the year, the Rehoboth Kiwanis Club invites speakers to give information and perhaps discuss community needs. In January, Richard Faull, of the Food Basket in Lewes, had a great impact on Kiwanians as he explained the ongoing needs of the local food pantries to supply families with groceries. Then in March, Charles Marks attended a Rehoboth Board meeting and described how the Dover Kiwanis Club asked local grocery store patrons to donate food items to the Kiwanis grocery cart. Thus, a new project was born for Rehoboth Kiwanians, as Jim Kunkle met with store managers in the Rehoboth- Lewes area and Bob Bacon met with managers "south of the bridge" in the Ocean View, Millville and Clarksville. The two Kiwanians arranged dates in the summer tourist season for Kiwanians to ask the store customers to buy an extra food item to fill the Lewes Food Basket or the Community Pantry in Selbyville. The project was successful as Kiwanians took shifts from 8 AM until Noon outside the stores displaying the Kiwanis signs and giving customers a Club pamphlet describing the pantry needs on one side and the work of Kiwanis on the reverse side. Most people know about food collected from Thanksgiving until Christmas, however, the need continues throughout the year. The next dates for the collections are November 14 in the Ocean View area and November 21 in the Rehoboth area. All members of the Kiwanis family will join in this effort as Key Club, Builders, and K-Kids members will also participate.