Kiwanis Club of Frederick
by Richard Frye
Esthter Ziegler, right, Chaplain at Homewood, was a speaker recently to the Kiwanis Club of Frederick. Ms Ziegler gave a Thanksgiving Blessing Message to the group and addressed areas of gratitude and prayers in her message. She talked about the words of prayer and spiritual well being. Eric Nichols, Kiwanian, and the Executive Director at Homewood, is with the speaker.
Patricia Hanberry, right, Chief Executive Officer, Mental Health Association of Frederick County, was a recent speaker to the Kiwanis Club of Frederick. Ms Hanberry outlined many of the programs available to those in need that the Association offers. She also talked about the "Call 211" program where individuals can get information and referral and Crisis intervention. Ms Hanberry talked about the Assocation's Mental Health First Aid Program which teaches people in handling of persons with mental illness until professional help arrives. Club President Roz Nasher is with the speaker.
Blaine Young, newly elected Frederick County Commissioner, was a recent speaker to the Kiwanis Club of Frederick. Mr. Yolung spoke to the club about the recent election and the challenges the new board will face after they take office on December 1st. Pictured with the speaker is Kiwanis President Roz Nasher on the left, and Sue Vona, Vice President, on the right.
John Ashbury, left, Ashbury management, and a member of the Kiwanis Club of Frederick, was a recent speaker to the club. Mr. Ashbury spoke about the current election and offered his opinions on who would be the winners in 2010. He also talked about specific candidates and their standings on certain issues that they will face of elected. Mr. Ashbury highlighted past elections in Frederick County. Kiwanian Jim Green is with the speaker.
Miss Alison Haller, second year student at Frederick Community College, was recently recognized with a $500 scholarship from the Kiwanis Foundation of the Kiwanis Club of Frederick. Miss Haller was one of four students to be recognized with the Dr. Dana G. Cable Scholarship. President of the Foundation, L. Richard Haney, is with Miss Haller, and reported to the club that Miss Haller, in addition to being a full time student, also is employed full time, and maintains a 3.7 grade average. Miss Haller made a few brief remarks to the club about herself and her studies.