Town Center Club
by Nancy Pindur
November proved to be another successful month in many ways. Our membership continues to increase as we edge towards 50 members.
Our Neptune Festival proceeds were larger than anticipated and our Town Center Race (above) during the Veteran's Day weekend also exceeded our expectations. Our charity budget is bulging!!! Our CLASP Bingo event to support our Aktion Club was well supported and out special young people were able to play Bingo for Christmas gifts for family and friends. Member delivered 6 Thanksgiving baskets to families in need the week of Thanksgiving.
December brings about our Hope Haven Children's Home visit with breakfast and gifts for the residents on December 4th. Later on in the month we volunteer one day with the Salvation Army gift distribution in conjunction with the Angel Tree project and Toys for Tots. We will also prepare Christmas baskets for need families and deliver them just before Christmas. AND we will also celebrate the holiday with our fellow Kiwanians at the home of Ron and Susan Amidon. The holiday party is one that is looked forward to each year.