Gov. Tom's Message
by Gov. Tom Varner
Two ends are fast approaching - the end of the second month of the Kiwanis year and the end of 2010. It is a time to begin assessing what the District is doing, make some changes, and renew efforts to help the District to develop a long-range succession plan throughout the District.
Beginning last year, I have tried to emphasize the importance of trained leaders at all levels of Kiwanis.
Before we can offer this educational opportunity, we must have the Kiwanians who will serve in Club and Division leadership positions. This is leadership succession. It is one of the sections in the education. With a succession plan, we will know who the leaders are who they will be in the future. The key to succession is first identity and second the election of those who will be leaders. With the future leadership in place, we can go on to their education. Therefore, we must look at the immediate Club and Division leadership holes. Do you have your 2011 - 2012 Club Officers? Does your Division have its 2011 - 2012 Lieutenant Governor? If the answer is yes, thank you. If it is "no" or "I don't know" we need your help in making sure the elections take place now.
Kiwanis International has revised the Club Officer Training and the Lieutenant Governor training to include blended programs. Blended programs have a part of the material presented online and the remainder in a face-to-face classroom setting. The former has more factual, technical material, such as organization, communications and management skills, and reporting. The in-person classroom presentation stress team building and sharing between peers. Both are essential and important to the preparation of leaders. One of the major outcomes of the latter is that our leaders meet their peers who will share the same leadership responsibilities at the same time.
The peers are very important because they have received the same information about Kiwanis - the changes that have occurred, such as clubs only need to have two meetings a month. One must be a business meeting and the other a service project. Club reporting is online now. Five years ago, we were making paper reports for each month and then an end of year summary of all activities. Just last year, Adds, Deletes, and Changes to membership were hard copy reports. At the end of last year, all membership changes are online. The result is instant update of records at Kiwanis International. It also requires the Club Secretary to insure all membership information is current and up to date. These are just two of many changes that the "old-timers" may not know about.
Your peers know these changes and some have been working on them for one or more years. For example, past secretaries have not used electronic reporting, and he/she not have the most current information. A great source of assistance with this problem is your Regional member of the Administrative and Club Operations Committee. They are experienced and are still active as Club Secretaries. Contact your Regional Committee member if you need help.
Having mentioned Kiwanis Education let me bring you up to date. PLG Ted Zapalowicz, Captial District Master Instructor has been to Kiwanis International and received his training. PG Don Dudey is Chair of the Training (Deduction) Committee. The members are PG Yvonne Holley, PLG Howard Butler, and PLG Carla Morin. Carla is the member representing the Growth committees. While they may choose to be Certified Instructors, it is not a requirement. The Committee is charged with incorporating additional District information into the Kiwanis International approved materials.
Applications for instructors are being solicited. The Committee will review all applications and evaluate a ten-minute presentation from each applicant. The first session to do this is in for mid-December. Selected Kiwanis will receive their qualification training in February. Kiwanis International is in the process of finishing the Club Leadership education package and it should be ready in the February-March period. Educational sessions should be scheduled in April and May.
On a more personal note, I want to wish every Kiwanian a happy holiday season. It matters not what your belief, as Kiwanians we embrace the religious and ethnic groups from many countries. Each has special days to celebrate landmarks. Let us all honor one another and work to be one people.
Of course, my fervent prayer would be for "Peace on Earth." Having experience combat, separation, and seeing wounded and dead comrades from many countries, I know the problems the lack of peace can case to the individual, family, and country. So, in whatever form you petition your supreme being, please ask that peace would come on earth.
Here is my calendar for December 2010 through April 2011
December 4 HOV Governors Visit Hanover County, VA
December 11 Kiwanis International Innovate Briefing Washington DC
December 15 Arlington Holiday Luncheon Arlington VA
December 18 Instructor Selection Henrico County, VA
December 27 - January 3 (Vacation with Family) Smoky Mountains
January 14 Division 17 Official Visit Leisure World
January 15 NOVA Midwinter Manassas VA
January 22 DelMarVa Midwinter ?
January 27-30 Governor's Council Indianapolis
February 5 District Board Fredericksburg
Februarys 5 Lieutenant Governor Council Fredericksburg
Februarys 11 Dr John Button Hampton Roads
February 12 HR Midwinter Old Dominion University
February 12 Dr. John Button Division 4
February 18-10 CKI DCON Crystal City
February 19 Instructor Training Crystal City
Februarys 26 HOV Midwinter Richmond
March 5 Potomac Midwinter ?
March 12 Mason Dixon Midwinter Columbia
March 25-27 Key Club DCON Crystal City
April 2 Presidential Midwinter Blue ridge CC
April 9 SWV Midwinter ?
April 15-17 Key Leader Jamestown
April 29- May 1 Lieutenant Governor Conference