The Kiwanis Club of Bethesda and the American Legion Post 105 Celebrate the 51st Annual Observance Honoring All Who Have Served, Veteran's Day 2010
A Photo Essay by Bob Cressy, Past Governor Capital District Kiwanis International & A Member of the American Legion Fitzgerald Cantrell Post #105, Bethesda, Maryland.
This Veteran's Day 2010 dawned sunny and comfortably cool with a clear blue sky on this 51st Annual Observance by Kiwanis and the American Legion. We gather again to honor those who served in wars and peacetime in the services of the United States of America. Such services were conducted in many communities, yet we wish that all Americans would take the time to say "Thank you for your Service" to our veterans.
Still, we are grateful not only to those who have served in all branches and in all eras, but also to all those patriots who pay tribute to them this day. Take a few moments, please, to share this day again in photos and in words with us. The following are the remarks of the Master of Ceremony delivered at the observance entitled "What is a Veteran?" Thank you.
Remarks by Bob Cressy
11 NOV 2010 Veteran's Day Observance
Kiwanis International and the American Legion Post #105
Veteran's Memorial Park, Bethesda-Chevy Chase, Maryland
A Veteran. What is a veteran? "A veteran is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to the United States of America for an amount up to and including their life".
When a person, now a veteran, enlisted or perhaps was drafted they did not know where they would serve. Often they did not know whether they would serve in a peace time military or that war might erupt. Many, of course, joined during an active war yet they did not know exactly where they would serve, exactly what they would face or often even what theater they might serve in. What ever the time period in our history, what ever the situation, they pledged to serve their nation and they did so.
This Veteran's Day a fellow Army Officer and OCS classmate, LTC (Retired) Keith Reed, a helicopter pilot in Vietnam, now living in Marion, Iowa, was asked to write a brief veteran's day tribute for his hometown newspaper. I want to take a few moments to share Colonel Reed's thoughts, and hence ours, with you today.
He begins, "What is a veteran? Men and women of our country, past, present and future, have served bravely in our nation's history. From all walks of life, these courageous individuals have dedicated themselves to the protection of our country. Their heroic actions, however small or large, reflect the spirit that mirrors the sacrifice of those who helped found our great nation.
Over there, veterans fought 'The War to End All Wars', which later become know as World War I. The Greatest Generation fought World War II across Europe and the Pacific. There are the soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen of 'The Forgotten War' in Korea. The Unpopular War in Southeast Asia, despite the heroics, often brought scorn and condemnation to veterans of that war.
Our military currently is engaged in Iraq and Afghanistan. Our military is at war but our nation is not. It now is up to history to provide a definition or name for this war on terrorism.
What is a veteran? Regardless of age, race, creed or education, there is one basic underlying trait in almost every one. Belief! Regardless of the campaign in which they served, regardless of the state of the military … peace or war, each veteran willingly took an oath to defend this nation against all enemies. Each, in effect, signed a blank check payable to the United States of America in any amount up to and including his or her life.
They believe freedom is not free and the defense of freedom is worth the sacrifice demanded of them and their families. Every veteran believes in this nation. Unfortunately there may be some exceptions, but they are few. A veteran wrote and signed the blank check when he or she pledged allegiance to the flag and to the republic for which it stands. A veteran holds sacred the memory of those whose checks were cashed and wait at Fiddler's Green. A veteran is proud to be an American. I am an American veteran and proud of it."
Also from a bumper sticker seen at a military installation: "Except for ending Slavery, Fascism, Nazism and Communism in many countries, WAR has Never Solved Anything."
And a thought: "It is indeed a poor nation that has no heroes, but a nation is truly a beggar that has heroes and does not recognize them or honor them." To honor them is why you are here today.
And finally, from Ronald Reagan: "Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But the U.S. ARMED FORCES don't have that problem".
Thank you for your service to the United States of America! Thank you for honoring your veterans today!
Bob Cressy, ILT U.S. Army, Artillery
Delivered 11 NOV 2010