May 2011 eBuilder Front Page
Gov. Tom's Message
by Gov. Tom Varner
April was a relatively slow month for visits. I do need to go back to March for a moment. In my history of visits last month I omitted my weekend with the Mason-Dixon Region. Lin and I stayed with Governor Don and Jan on Friday and then had an enjoyable day on Saturday at the community college. It was a great program and a good time for renewing and making new friendships. Sorry, guys and gals, for the omission.
The first weekend in April we attended the Presidential Midwinter at the Blue Ridge Community College in technical training center. The following weekend we were in Wytheville Community College for the Southwest Virginia Midwinter. Both of these venues had beautiful and very functional facilities. At the SWVA Midwinter, the delegates elected PLG John Rife to succeed David Heppner as the District Trustee. Both of these midwinters had a great deal to offer the attendees. The programs were great and the time for fellowship always allows for Kiwanians to meet their peers from other clubs.
This weekend Governor Jeff Wolff's class of Lieutenant Governors and the 2011-2012 Board will meet in Leesburg, Virginia for the Lieutenant Governor Conference. This Conference is where all of the LTG's receive their training and hear the International President and District Governor's goals and objectives for the coming Kiwanis year. Rhonda Vrell from Kiwanis International will be the facilitator.
The month ended on a note of sadness as we lost Past Governor Floyd Whitaker from the Williamsburg club. While talking with his wife, Frances, I did learn why he was known to all as "Sam" and not "Floyd." His father's name was Floyd, and his father said that he did not want his son to have the same name. But after his mother name him Floyd anyway, his father always called him Sam. Now you know the rest of the story.
I want to spend a little time talking about change and the future for Kiwanis in terms of "greening," communications, and savings. Yes, all three do go hand in hand.
The District has a program now that will automatically send emails to all of the members in the District Directory. In round terms we have 6300 members. Of that number there are approximately 3300 that have valid email addresses in the directory. That means one-half of our members do not get the monthly messages that are trying to reach all Capital Kiwanians.
There are two main reasons 3000 members are not receiving the emails. The first is that they either do not have an email account or have opted out of receiving emails from Kiwanis. The second reason is more likely the case - the email address is wrong in the directory. The latter may be caused by 1) people changing their email addresses and not informing their Club Secretary so he or she can make the changes on the International Directory, 2) the Secretary has not posted the change, of 3) there are basic typographical errors.
What can you do about it? Go online to the Capital District Directory. If you have never logged into it, you will find instructions. Once there, check your own information to make sure it is correct. If your information is not correct send an email to the District Secretary/Treasurer with the correct information. Secondly, make sure your Club Secretary makes the changes at International. Every quarter the District Directory is updated from International. If incorrect information is not changed at Intentional, then you will still have incorrect information on the District Directory.
This is only one of the many ideas that we have received in visiting the regions. In the future you will be able to see many of the District Documents by going through the district Web Page. These will include the eBuilder newsletter, upcoming events with instructions on how to register, governance documents, plans, and budgets. By using the tools we have available to use, the District can be more efficient, more transparent, and greener.
You can help by making sure your information is accurate and by passing along materials to Kiwanians who are not able to get this information directly. Even today, information is being sent to Trustees, LTG's, and Club Officers that is not passed on to other Kiwanians. Do your part and be a communications facilitator not a final resting place for information.
Why are technology and the modern communications devices and programs important to all of us and to Kiwanis? The first reason is speed and accuracy. Transmission is instantaneous is most incidents. Accuracy is achieved because everyone gets the same message and it is not filtered through other people. They save trees. The District will provide the tools. Will you use them?