Buckingham Elementary K-Kids Officers Installation
by David Landis
On Tuesday October 26th at the second meeting of the year, Al Kastner, Kiwanis Club liaison of the parent Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines-Ocean City to local school Kiwanis Clubs, is pictured installing officers of the Buckingham Elementary School K-Kids, the Kiwanis Club at the elementary school level. (L to R) Secretary Kayla Parker, Treasurer Kasey Donaway.Al Kastner, VP Jalen Planter. President Erica Webb was not able to attend. Twenty-three students and two teacher advisors, Debbie Wooten and Julie Young, comprise the BES K-Kids Club.
Last year this active club raised over $5000 for the Relay for Life which supports the fight against cancer. The students have again taken on the challenge for 2010-2011 starting with the following fundraisers:
- BES K-Kids Wednesdays at Wendy's in West Ocean City where a percentage of the all sales from 4 until 8 PM are donated to the K-Kids started 11/3/10.
- Caribbean Swim at Francis Scott Key Thursday November 11 from 5 until 7 PM. Cost is $5 and food is sold by the club. No reservations needed.
- Coffee Beanery Fundraiser taking orders for coffee and gift packs from November 18th until December 1st.
- Bake Sale during the Eming's Dinner on Family Book Fair Night November 17th from 3:30 until 5:30 PM.