The Impact of Kiwanis Scholarships
by Helen Williams, Wheaton-Silver Spring Kiwanis President
I am sure Kiwanians who support so many activities and attend so many functions on behalf of the mission of trying to change the world one child and one community at a time often wonder, not only where the money went but did the student make the best of his /her scholarship. In talking with Murmi Morrill about my friend who told me she got her education because of receiving a Kiwanis scholarship, she immediately said that she knew Cara Thomas who had also received one. She went on to say she would call Cara, who currently works for the Montgomery County Government and find out the scoop.
This was just enough to put me on the edge of believing in the Six Degrees of Separation. Murmi called Cara and talked with her and then she asked her to email her some notes about her education. You don't have to wonder anymore how the scholarship was used. This young lady used the scholarship money at Towson College and began a major in photography-but possibly more than photography, Cara began her love of learning and exploring options. In 2001, she graduated from the University of Maryland College Park with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Biology. Now that she is working full time in Montgomery County she is pursuing a Master of Science in Management degree at John Hopkins University in the Division of Public Safety Leadership.
It is difficult to gauge the impact of Kiwanis scholarships-whenever we give them we certainly know they will be used to pay for college tuition and our goal is that their studies will eventually lead them to contribute valuable skills and knowledge. It seems that Cara Thomas is a good example of meeting those goals and by continuing her education she will have the ability to help even more in making this community a better place to live.