Rehoboth Beach Kiwanis Installs New President
by Rosemary Cummings
Div 11 Lt. Gov. Marianne Smith installed President James Kunkle and the 2010-11 slate of officers at the October dinner meeting. After retiring 2009-2011 Officers and Directors, including now Past President Ken Drerup, Lt. Gov Smith installed two new Directors, Julie Beebe and Margaret Spaulding, Vice President Bob Bacon, President-Elect Joe Brake and President Jim Kunkle. The Rehoboth Club recognized Ken Drerup for his service as President with the Capital District Foundation Life Member Award. Representative from the JMB High School Key Club attended the Installation meeting and Key Club Key Advisor Rosemary Cummings presented Gavin Jones with his Vice President pin. Jim talked about the need to retain members and to recruit members. Several guests at the meeting expressed interest in learning more about Kiwanis and possibly joining Kiwanis.
LTG Smith Installs President James Kunkle
Past President Ken Drerup receives Cap Dist Foundation Life Member award from LTG Smith
LTG Smith installs Club Directors J Beebe and M. Spaulding
Members of J M Bennett Key Club attend Rehoboth Beach Kiwanis Installation