Kiwanis Club of Frederick
by Richard Frye
Bud McPherson, right, McPherson and Associates, Inc., Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants, was a recent speaker to the Kiwanis Club of Frederick. Bud spoke to the group on the state of the commercial real estate market in the Frederick area. Speaking from an appraisal standpoint, he talked about the health of the market, square footage occupied, and square footage vacant in the office, warehouse, retail, and medical spaces. Frederick Kiwanian Harry Weetenkamp is with the speaker.
The Kiwanis Club of Frederick assisted with a $2500 donation to the Boys and Girls Club of Frederick County, along with other businesses, in providing school supplies to those needy chlldren in the Frederick area. Pictured, left to right, are Frederick Kiwanians Jim Green, Bill Conley, Mike Hosford and Dunbar Ashbury. Miss Nikera Means is shown at the table with items that were included in the backpack supplies. Patrick Gunnin, Executive Director of the Boys and Girls Club, was also present for the presentation.
Wayne Six, right, of Six and Associates, Inc., Appraisers and Consultants, was a recent speaker to the Kiwanis Club of Frederick. Mr. Six spoke to the group on the current real estate market and offered examples of various properties throughout Frederick County. He provided costs on these properties two to three years ago and the selling price of these properties today; many selling from 30 to 44 percent less than the original price. Mr. Six also spoke to the club about his experiences with the White Marlin Tournament at Ocean City recently and how the tournament is organized and operated. Mr. Six told of how a new type fishing hook is now being used in these tournaments and the advantages of using this type of equipment. Kiwanian Harry Weetenkamp is with the speaker.