Neck Club Oyster Feed
by Bill Burton
The Urbanna Oyster Festival was recently held with the help of the Northern Neck Club which has been selling oysters there for over 10 years now. The menu is OYSTERS, either fried, roasted or raw. Crackers, condiments and soft drinks are available. The club grossed over $21,000 this year, which is about what has been raised each of the recent years. The net will be close to $12,000, plus or minus. It is a major project as most of Thursdays is used loading up the tables, cookers and supplies and then initial setup on the site, which is on Main Street across from the fire house. A crew is on hand by 8:00 AM Friday for final preparations and the opening at 10:00. Sales go on all day Friday and Saturday, followed by cleanup on Sunday. Equipment is back in the storage compartment in Kilmarnock by Monday noon. Pictured putting up the sign are Bob Norman, on left and Ronnie Crockett outside with Jim Godwin inside.