Manassas Club Honors Oldest Member
by John Beere
The Kiwanis Club of Manassas combined an evening of family fun with a way to honor their oldest living member. It's become a custom to use the fifth Thursday in a month as a fun and family event in lieu of our regular meeting. And in the summer that means the great American tradition of going to a baseball game.
The Washington Nationals Single-A franchise, the Potomac Nationals is located nearby in Prince William County. Nineteen members and guests enjoyed a win by their "home" team that night. But the highlight of the evening came before the game started. Club member Carl Dulaney, just a few days shy of his 89th birthday, threw out the ceremonial fist pitch. It may have bounced in front of the plate but it was right over it.
Carl is a 35-year Legion of Honor recipient and is a regular at most meetings in spite of a 60 mile round trip to our meeting location.
Picture is of Carl with the P-Nats catcher after his delivery.