Awards at the Capital District Convention In Dover Inspire!
Recognition by the District, Divisions and Clubs Rewards Members for their Service to Others
by Past Governor and Past VP, Capital District Foundation, Bob Cressy
Dover, Delaware, August 21-23, 2009: The 91st Capital District Kiwanis Convention is now a wonderful memory and a well organized testimony to the service that so many in the Capital District perform year after year. After all, our reason for existence is the service we perform together in our communities that we simply could not do by ourselves. Thank you Convention Chair Charles Marks and to your team for a great convention!
There were many highlights from the DCON, but two things struck me that perhaps you have not thought about. During the Sunday delegate session along with the important elections and installations, a resolution was read on the passing of George Bogikas, DDS, Past Governor from 1971-1972 and the founder of the Capital District Foundation in 1972. The CDKF is part of his legacy. Many of you probably did not know him, but many others did. George had just celebrated his 99th birthday in February. What a lasting contribution he made for all of us.
The other event was at the Governor's Banquet, and while all of it was special, your Foundation awarded the "Teenager of the Year" to Brandon Lee of the Hampton Roads Region. He is handsome, proud and accomplished, with a bright future. The competition was District wide and spirited. Think of all those young folks we know with so much accomplished so far and with so promising a future. And think of PG George, who did so much for the Capital District. We can be so proud of those who have preceded us and support those coming up. We are proud of those Kiwanians who are creating history 'right now' with their service. Make sure you recognize and reward those leaders at your clubs with your praise ... and a memento.
NOW at Installation is a Good Time to Recognize Service Contributions
The end of one Kiwanis administrative year and the beginning of the next on October 1st offers a great opportunity to reward and recognize your club and division leaders. Club installations of the 2009-2010 teams bring us the best time to honor them with the club all together. You'll need to act now to get awards ready.
Awards Through Your (YOU are a Member) Capital District Foundation
- Life Membership Certifications - Attractive certificate and frame: $100.00 Life Membership in the CDKF; White Ribbon at DCON - Over $258,000 has been raised by Life Memberships.
- Memorials - Certificate & Frame to remember a friend who has passed.
- "Founder's Society" Plaque (Hixon style), neck ribbon & medallion, pin for exceptional service; $1,000 by check, appreciated security, or four payments - Over $100,000 has been raised for our SLP support with Founder's Society gifts. Multi-color badge ribbon at DCON.
- Tablet of Honor Engraved Plaque for long term service and leadership; $1,000. Black ribbon at DCON
These awards and other donations are tax exempt gifts if from individuals to the CDKF or can be from your club foundation to the CDKF. The earnings from these gifts support CDK Service Leadership Programs, CDKF grants, and the seven pediatric hospitals in your district. Budget for the $2.00 per member club gift, too!
Contact Charles Adams at or me at .
Awards From the Kiwanis International Supply Catalog - Just a sample
- The George F. Hixon Award - Plaque, ribbon & medallion; $1,000 to the Kiwanis International Foundation. Blue & White ribbon at DCON.
- Kiwanis Supply Catalog for outgoing President, officers & directors plaques; Kiwanian of the Year, etc., with various engraved brass or acrylic designs, Certificates of Achievement and more. Order NOW.
- Legion of Honor certificate signed by the KI President and Club President for service by year, 25 years and longer. Nice every five years.
Your CDK Record of Proud Service for 2009-2010 - Tell Your Members!
As given by our District Secretary Ellis Stroup in his report, the members of all clubs of the Capital District performed over 11,000 service projects last year alone, with over 131,000 service hours and over One MILLION dollars raised by CDK clubs to serve others.
We have over 14,000 high school students in our District's Key Clubs, the third highest in the world, as well as the third largest CKI membership. We, you, had 103 young people attending the Key Leader program this year in Maryland, a sell out, and have been qualified by KI to do two programs next year adding one in the Hampton Roads area. All are sponsored by Kiwanis clubs. And we had the third highest attendance at the Kiwanis International Convention in Nashville! This does not happen without you answering the call to Service, analyzing what needs to be done in your communities and acting in a timely way to meet those needs. Well done!
Take a look at the below photos of just some of the members who 'made a difference' and say thanks to them. Tell them you saw their picture in the eBuilder! And you can give yourself a pat on the back as well. Thanks for your Service! Thanks for saying 'Thanks'! See you soon!
The Kiwanis International Foundation requests a donation from Kiwanis Clubs of an average of $5 per member. From left to right, the Lieutenant Governors Award in recognition of promoting the KIF annual drive are Lieutenant Governors Jeffrey Wolff (20), Tom Wagstaff (4), Tom Murphy (10), Judy Pantelides (13), R. Mark Garber (19), Millie Kriemelmeyer (22), and Scott Zimmerman (23). Missing from photo is Tom Masser (17). Well done. Capital District gets a portion of the KI donation back form KI for supporting the drive.
Governor Tom Ganse accepts the KIF award for the district's attainment of the goal. Neal Behan, KIF drive chair, is awarded a plaque for his continued many year leadership. Neal was unable to attend and his award was received by a fellow club member. Thank you.
The Presidency of the Capital District Foundation is a two year term. President Joe Maranto is presented a District "Tablet of Honor" award for his service by PG Charlie Adams, Executive Secretary of the CDKF. Thank you, Joe, for leading us.
CPR Teddy highlights the District Foundation convention display along with descriptive literature and applications for joining the "Founder's Society" or becoming a CDKF Life Member. CPR Teddy was Governor Tom's project which netted $1,300 for the fund raiser to provide the bears to schools to teach adults how to do CPR for infants. Good job.
The "Founder's Society" plaque is awarded for a donation by an individual or club of $1,000 to the foundation and is used for SLP support. So far, over $100,000 has been raised. Members can be seen wearing the purple and white ribbons with medallion at official functions. Support your CDKF but buying or giving a Founder's Society award for outstanding service to your club and the district.
The Kiwanis International Foundation booth promotes the works of KIF. Remember the Iodine Deficiency Disease (IDD) program raised almost $100 million through the Hixon program to help eradicate IDD primarily in Africa and Southeast Asia. We do make a difference.
The famous, yes famous, Ducky Derby does not happen with a lot of background effort. In a quick shot, Key Clubbers and their advisors from Dover hand number all those duckies you see in the pool. Over 8,000 of them. Say 'thanks'!