Gov. Tom's Farewell Address
Presented to Capital District Convention, Dover, DE April 25, 2009
by Gov. Tom Ganse
Good Morning! We make our plans, and then - life happens. Two years ago, I stood before you as your newly elected Governor-elect. And I had plans; Long Range Plans for the District, growth plans for membership, financial plans to recapitalize our operating budget, administrative plans to streamline our governance and make it more effective and efficient. I even had plans to eat a chicken or two.
I did not have any plans to bury my sister or my mother. I did not have any plans to change careers or move into a new home. I did not have any plans to take on the joyful challenges of single parenthood, and I did not have any plans to engage in what has at times become a literal life or death struggle with some of life's other demons. Life happened, and I know that many of you have similar tales to tell.
I'm reminded of the Apostle Paul's second letter to the early Christian church in Corinth. After giving a litany of reasons for why he could boast, Paul wrote, "To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
It felt as though God himself was telling me, "I'm going to let you have this Governor thing, but only to show you that you shall put all your trust in me because you can do nothing without me."
And so I learned to understand what Paul meant when he wrote, "For when I am weak, then I am strong."
Yes, I had my plans two years ago, but my action plan was quickly reduced to nothing more than getting on my knees and thanking God for another day, for surrounding me with loving friends and family, and for granting me the privilege of being associated with the some of the best people this side of heaven - Kiwanians!
Indulge me for a few moments, please, so I can share with you some of the amazing things you've accomplished this year in support of serving God's children while I wrestled with these challenges.
Our Kiwanis International Counseling Trustee earlier this year was Mr. Don Sanker, from the Pennsylvania District. Many of you know that the Capital District was the second district to adopt the regional structure, behind the Pennsylvania District. According to Mr. Sanker, we in Capital have taken their original concept to an entirely new level.
We are experiencing successes they still haven't imagined, and other Districts throughout North America are turning to us to understand what we are doing so that they can emulate it.
You may not hear Capital District associated with many "number ones", but the Kiwanis world recognizes us as the only District that consistently ranks near the top in every measurable category:
- We have the fourth largest CKI District in the world
- We have the third largest Key Club District in the world
- We have the fourth highest per capita giving to the Kiwanis International Foundation and are first in our size category
- We had the third highest percentage of attendees at the International convention; third only to two Districts that had candidates for Vice President
- It was a Capital District resident, nominated by a Capital District Club that won the Kiwanis International World Service Medal in Nashville this year, and his project is on a very short list for consideration as the next International Worldwide Service Project.
- We organized 35 new Service Leadership Program clubs so far this year, and have at least 5 more about to organize. Just to put that in perspective, we are only two clubs shy of our 12% growth goal, and that is unprecedented!
- We had a full house at our Key Leader program this Spring, and that will allow us to expand this incredible servant leadership program to an additional corner of the District in 2010. That is measurable progress toward our goal of having Key Leader available to youth in all four corners of this great district.
- We remain financially solid and continue to have the lowest District dues in the world. In fact, they are roughly 50% lower than the average District and 25% lower than the next closest district. And if that isn't good enough for you, this past Friday, your Finance Committee delivered an investment policy for our District reserve, which was subsequently approved by the Board. This policy provides as close as one can get to a guarantee that investment returns will outpace inflation, and that means two things: first, if we stabilize or grow our membership, these returns can be used to increase our operating budget for things such as paid support staff, increased reimbursement for out of pocket expenses, and professional advertising media like billboards, radio and TV that will benefit all clubs. Second, it means that there may never again be need for a dues increase unless the delegate body is presented with a sound business case for increasing our expenditures.
- We made substantial technological progress by re-establishing our District e-mail list service, upgrading the District directory to make it more complete, more accurate and more user-friendly,
and taking advantage of communication and social networking tools such as telecons, YouTube, FaceBook, Craig's List and Linked in, - We have a new District website that is professionally maintained and hosted through Kiwanis International at no cost to us.
- On the membership front, seven of the last eleven months have shown net gains in membership including a net growth for the last five consecutive months. Particularly noteworthy is that this District has demonstrated a net growth of over 200 members during the last five months' time. It's been a long time since we've done anything even close to that, and a net gain in annual membership is within our grasp this year for the first time in nearly two decades! But we must acknowledge the inevitable roster purges we see every September and redouble our efforts to keep good Kiwanians involved and on the roles, to recruit new, motivated prospects, and to keep building new clubs. In fact, building the last three clubs the Growth Team promised me this year will put us over the top. But they can't do it alone. They need local people helping in the local areas.
- And speaking of new club building, the Capital District has built more new clubs so far this year than *any* other District in North America. That includes Districts twice our size, and I think that deserves a huge round of applause for all those involved!
I could go on, but you get the idea. I am awestruck by your accomplishments, but unfortunately for you, I am not speechless. Many of you have disproved the nay-sayers in big ways by proving that success is not only possible, it is a reality!
I am also very proud of the work that your District Committees and Board accomplished this past year. Never has the District had fewer clubs with less than 15 members. We have no clubs delinquent in their dues, and the number of clubs that are behind on their reports is at a record low. The Board also enacted new policy to strengthen or consolidate our smallest clubs before good Kiwanians burn themselves out, and chartered a new District Conventions Committee that will take advantage of our Kiwanis Family buying power to negotiate more favorable rates at select sites, thus keeping convention cost down.
Thanks to our Committees, you can go to our District Website to download important club resources such as suggestions for service activities, public relations and communications ideas, and the information your club needs to develop its own unique strategic plan, tailored to its own, unique community. If anyone out there thinks that the District and International exist simply to levy unrealistic demands on local clubs attempting to serve their local communities, I'll tell you that you are living in the past. International and District resources are here for the taking. We exist for one reason and one reason only - to support and serve those who serve the children of the world.
When I began this year, I had two simple goals: build on the momentum Immediate Past Governor Art established, and successfully transfer that to Governor-Designate Don.
This is not about a sprint to the finish line. We are merely rounding the corner on the 91st leg of a relay race to improve the quality of life for children throughout the world, and that is a race I hope goes on for decades to come. We must take advantage of the efforts our predecessors put forth to maintain that lead and build on it with our own best efforts during our lap. And then we must ensure our successors get off the blocks and moving in the same direction we are running so that we can make a smooth and solid handoff with the baton.
And that brings me to my favorite topic. What would happen if you passed the baton to your successor and he or she started running in a different direction? Your team would be disqualified. Your team would lose the race.
Most of you have heard me talk about Strategic Planning. A strategic plan is really nothing more than a map that tells you which way to run while letting everyone else know which way you are going. That is essential if your successor is going to be there to take the baton during your final sprint and build on the lead you worked so hard to open.
A strategic plan can also be viewed simply as a flywheel that belongs to each club. If you know what a flywheel is, you know it takes a good bit of effort to get it started, but if everyone takes a turn giving it a shove in the same direction, it gets easier and easier, and eventually it has enough momentum to continue on its own. That's why every club needs one.
I am grateful for the momentum Immediate Past Governor Art passed on to me, and I hope I've been shoving that flywheel in the right direction so Governor Designate Don's job is that much easier. I also hope each of you in outgoing leadership roles will do the same for your successors.
Ladies and gentlemen - Kiwanians - I thank you for your support this year and offer you my deepest gratitude and appreciation. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve you, and for your patience, support and understanding during some personally challenging times. Lastly, I thank you not only for everything you do for Kiwanis, but more importantly, for everything you do to make your communities better places to live. To God be the glory! May He bless you always and keep you safe as you continue to serve His children.