Far East and Division One Kiwanis Hosts Annual Martin Luther King Day Prayer Breakfast In DC
by Past Governor Bob Cressy
January 18, 2010, Washington, DC - There is a special sorrow and joy at the same time felt by those attending the many observances around the country as people celebrate the life and ministry of Dr. King. In Washington at St. Luke's Catholic Church a non-denominational service was hosted by the Far East Kiwanis Club with Division One.
It was cold but clear this January day, but the spirit and friendship was warm during the Annual Martin Luther King Prayer Breakfast. This event always centers on Dr. King's teachings, of course, but also on families and children. From the very beginning, after the traditional Kiwanis club opening of the Pledge Of Allegiance, a song, welcome and invocation in the large meeting hall, the music began played by the young "East of the River Steel Band". I have always liked that Caribbean sound of those many drums along with a key board. Take a look at the accompanying pictures!
An excellent buffet breakfast was prepared for the one hundred plus attendees. After breakfast the next highlight was the annual selection of songs by three to six year old children of the Dor-Montes' Day Care center. While some of these kids are a little shy on stage, others are definitely not shy. They had been rehearsed by Kiwanian Doris Montgomery to a beautiful result. They're cute as can be and apparently rehearsed more easily than herding cats. The photos of these children warms your heart. They were followed by the Praise Dancers, two teenagers performing synchronized dancing,
The Key Note Speaker, The Reverend Ishmael Mitchell from Atlanta was introduced. He told of the story of the struggles and successes of Dr. King's teachings. He said of Martin that "when destiny calls, you must answer. In Birmingham in his call to others to help and rise to the cause, of the 425 area churches only fourteen responded. It was a slow and disappointing response", Rev. Mitchell said.
He went on to tell of "the March on Washington and that although Dr. King had told a few others about his dream, he was not planning to say anything about it at the Lincoln Memorial steps. As he was speaking, Mahalia Jackson shouted out 'don't forget to tell them about the dream Martin'. He did tell them his now famous 'I have a dream' speech'.
Reverend Mitchell then told of that fateful day, "April 3rd, 1968 when he was preparing to speak at a Memphis church. Ralph Abernathy was preparing for dinner at the hotel first. He stepped onto the balcony of that motel. Rev. King spoke to Jesse Jackson. Someone said it was time to go. Martin Luther King took four steps onto the balcony and ... bam, sounding like a fire cracker, and Dr. King went down. Ralph knelt down to speak with him. The bullet had hit the right side of his face and exited with great damage. (He described it in detail). They stayed with him asking what should be done. Dr. King lives on though his words and actions, and we celebrate him again today", Rev. Mitchell concluded. Even though we have heard it many times, it remains very moving.
This day Dr. Martin Luther King's life and legacy celebration continued at the Kiwanis sponsored "Annual Martin Luther King Prayer Breakfast".