Why Should Your Club Charter a New Builders Club: Reason #4
by Jen Dugent
It helps build our club's Kiwanis Family.
To many people, "Family" is about a lot of things. Family is about relationships, interaction, and caring. It's what makes the Kiwanis Family so special. When a Kiwanis Club starts a new branch, be it a K-Kids, Builders Club, Key Club, CKI Club, or Aktion Club, it is expanding its family.
Kiwanis Clubs can serve as the parent--being the nurturer and the provider to its Service Leadership Programs--but that responsibility does not always have to fall on Kiwanis. Like older siblings, the CKIers and Key Clubbers can help out the younger clubs. Builders Clubs and K-Kids provide service opportunities to them as well the Kiwanis Clubs. They can co-sponsor a Builders Club or K-Kids. They can help with projects. They can chaperone events or mentor the students.
Interaction between Service Leadership Programs means stronger connections, and that means more service to the community. You can make your Kiwanis Family Stronger, but first you need a Builders Club! Contact Builders Club Administrator Jen Dugent to learn how your club can get your very own Builders Club.