Charlottesville Kiwanis
by Jim Hart
(Above) CKI at UVA Hosts Breakfast with Santa. The CKI chapter at the University of Virginia hosted its second annual Breakfast with Santa party for the children of the Boys and Girls Club in Charlottesville and Albemarle County on a beautiful snowy Saturday morning in early December. Upwards of 150 children and their parents and Boys & Girls Club leaders enjoyed a delicious breakfast, played hours of games and activities, and, of course, visited with Santa who had a present for every boy and girl who came to see him. Pictured is past president of the Charlottesville Kiwanis Club, Philip Day, making his grand entrance flanked by two elves from CKI at UVA. The event was held in UVA's venerable "Mem Gym" and was catered by UVA's Dining Services. More than 40 CKI members and 9 Key Clubbers lavishly decorated the large hall and conducted more than two dozen activity stations, including a basketball court and a cake walk.
(Above) Charlottesville Service Night at Hospice. At their monthly service night in January, two dozen Charlottesville Kiwanians along with four members of CKI at the University of Virginia pitched in to help the Hospice of the Piedmont get ready for their gala thirtieth anniversary celebration. Pictured in the foreground are Kiwanians Gene Colligan , David Stackpole, and Anthony Hastoglis compiling 300 information packets under the able direction of membership chair Bob Pflugfelder. Kiwanis has designated Hospice of the Piedmont as the beneficiary of their 6th annual Dogwood Pancake Breakfast scheduled for April 24. Hospice offers a unique program called Journeys, where, throughout the year, grief support groups for children and teens are facilitated by registered art therapists and bereavement counselors who use art and other creative means to help children express their inner feelings.