Initiative for Africa:
A Challenge We Must Meet
by Raga
S. Elim, Ph.D., Chairman, Capital District Committee on International Understanding
Many individuals join Kiwanis clubs specifically because we are an international
organization with a global mission-that lofty goal of changing
the world one child and one community at a time. To this
point, with a few notable exceptions, our Capital District
clubs seem to have focused on local efforts directed toward
helping our own children and communities. This is commendable,
but it does not address the incredible needs of children
our District Committee on International Understanding has
decided to pursue a new approach
to achieving our global mission. We have selected Africa because its needs are great and most of us know extremely
little about this part of the world...more
Strategic Planning
Tom Varner, Chair, Strategic Planning Committee
you know from reading the last Capital Builder, the Strategic
Plan was approved by the Board of Directors and the House
of Delegates at the 2008 District Convention. Another change
that was approved to the District Policies was the composition
and the responsibilities of the District Policy Committees.
Each committee will be composed of three members of the Board
of Directors and three other Capital district Kiwanians.
The three Trustees for 2008 - 2009 are Doris Montgomery,
Dale Collins, and Jim Jacobs. In addition, Jim Gilchrist
was appointed and I was appointed as Committee Chair...more |