Mary’s Ryken Key Club helps Light the Night
by Glynnis Schmidt, (301) 737-6311,
On Saturday, October 11, 2008 the Key Club members of St. Mary’s Ryken High School (St. Mary’s County, Division 22) volunteered to help the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society with their annual Light the Night Walk in Leonardtown. There were 27 Key Club students who volunteered approximately 6 hours each, for a total of more than 160 service hours! The students helped set up the registration area, blew up LOTS of balloons, registered participants, acted as walk-marshalls, and helped clean up after the event was over. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Light the Night Walk is an annual event to raise funds for cures. It’s the nation’s night to pay tribute and bring hope to thousands of patients and their families. As of today, the Ryken Key Club has 72 dues-paid members, which is MORE THAN DOUBLE the membership from last year. Way to go!