Kiwanis Builds Library for STARS Program
by Jim Hart
The fourth Monday evening in August found 11 Kiwanians,
led by Charlie Krizek, building bookcases and sorting books
an effort to create a central library for the STARS Program,
a residential service for adolescents who are in special
need of independent living skills. Pictured are teenagers
in the program working alongside the Kiwanis volunteers.
In a very generous return gesture, the kids prepared a
scrumptious lasagna dinner, complete with salad and dessert.
Program is administered by the James Foundation in cooperation
with state and local departments of social services. There
are four group homes providing housing and support for
31 at-risk youth. The supports provided by staff and volunteers
in the community include access to a wide range of opportunities
in education and training, employment, and therapy. "The
goal is always towards transition for these youth either
back to their families or to independent living," said Kelli Magan, executive director. Everyone involved enjoyed a vigorous afternoon
and evening "serving the children of the world."