Dover Club Supports Athletic Assoc; Hang Drywall
by Allan Kajula
Pictured below: Dover Kiwanis Club President Ken Hogan (right) presents a donation to Pete Celiberti (left), Executive Director of CR-Dover Athletic Association, which provides Pop Warner football and cheerleading activites for Dover area youth. The group plays on fields located next to the Camden-Wyoming Little League complex. Dover Kiwanis helps sponsor this youth program along with many others in the community. Kiwanis is an international organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the lives of children.
Pictured below: Several Dover Kiwanis Club members recently spent a Saturday hanging drywall in the latest home build project sponsored by Central Delaware Habitat for Humanity on Kirkwood Street in Dover. Pictured back row (l. to r.) is Milford Key Club member Adam Marks, and Kiwanians Neill McLean, Chuck Brown, Dottie Brown, and Robin Marks. Pictured front row are Kiwanis Lt. Governor Allan Kujala and Charles Marks. Kiwanis is an international organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the lives of children. The Club completes at least one community service project each month and welcomes new members.